Sunday 9 March 2008


On tenderhooks for the outcome of the vote which closes at 6pm. For those who have less than 50%+1 vote, there'll be a second vote next week. Christian is on duty all day at the polling station dealing with among other things, the proxy votes. Here, a large number of the jobs are done by members of the lists rather than paid local authority staff. As people have the right to cross names off the lists, make composite lists and add in others names, the count can take a long time."Nitpicking" is the term for the count which starts after the polls close at 6pm and given the process seems very appropriate! More later........ well, the nitpicking finally finished at 3.30am. Christian was on duty just until the end. He did well coming 6th out of the 57 people standing on the 3 lists. What's more, he was the first non-Catalan!His list was well but not far enough in front to have an overall majority, so we've got to do it all again next Sunday. Will there be new or changing alliances? Will one list drop out. Can our nerves stand it?

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