Saturday 1 May 2010

Worker's Playtime

Made a bit of a slow start for our trip to Guisson on the Narbonne coast where our neighbour Jacques has a large chalet. We rendez-voused with the others who had all arrived before us at the market in the village. Enjoyed a walk around the medieval village and up to the tower. Aparently the chateau had to be divided in two between the archdioscese and a local noble as no one could agree to whom it belonged. As it was 1st May, Christian bought all the women some lily of the valley and we went to hearthe local band play "The Internationale" and other less revolutionary songs in front of the Mairie. The maire as you might guess is a socialist and an ex international rugby player. Slight of stature he was know as "le petit prince". Needless to say there was an apéritif to follow and needless to say we (ie, Jacques and we two) felt obliged to show our solidarity. Being a Saturday, today is known as "the boss's public holiday" as the workers lose out because unlike in UK there is no day off in lieu. arrived at the chalet to find that the others had opened the oysters, chilled the wine, cut up the melon and fired up the bbq. In the afternoon the rain as forecast arrived so we were confined to barracks. Pierre, Andrée and Nicole returned home but the rest of us drank wine, chatted and thought up future festivities for the street.

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