Monday 31 May 2010

Day Off

For the first time there's no visit to Christian as I've decided as he's home for the weekends to only go on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Joined Michel for lunch at Juste and Joséphine's so having eaten well, I didn't have to prepare anything in the evening. Watched a BBC drama about Anne Lister, an 19th century lesbian diarist who wrote "I love and only love the fairer sex and thus beloved by them in turn, my heart revolts from any love but theirs." (Anne Lister, Journals, Oct 29, 1820) Way in advance of her time she single - mindedly sought her own economic independence and didn't care what 'polite society' thought of her. After that I spent more time than was good for me surfing the net in search of appetising, low fat meals - what on earth would Anne have thought ... as if I need to ask!.

Friday 28 May 2010

Weekend Leave

Jean provided a lift down to Banyuls to bring Christian home for the weekend where we found the wee soul all packed and ready for the off. Once home, we went to the bar for a coffee where everyone was pleased to see Christian who in turn was pleased to be made such a fuss over. We spent the evening quietly after a healthy meal of salad which we ate out on the terrace in the last of the sunshine. In case you're wondering, Christian was able to climb the stairs to the nest and sleep in his 'own' bed which was just great.
Saturday brought a bit of normality with a trip to the market which was busier than ever with a fiesta going on. Marching bands making a lot of noise, people shuffling along shoulder to shoulder and not an inch of space at our usual watering hole. In the evening we were invited to Jacques' for a bbq and to watch the match which seemed all together preferable to going to the bar where Jean-Louis had a 190 reservations for another paella. There were 10 of us all together and Christian did really well in watching what he was eating and limiting himself to his permitted 2 glasses of wine. The match was a disaster for the local team so we didn't linger too long at the end and besides, not surprisingly, Christian was feeling tired.
Sunday which was Mother's Day here, we were invited to Jean and Françoise's for a meal that she'd made a lot of effort to keep low fat. Jean-Jacques who is currently without Michelle who is in Paris, joined us in the evening for a light mea, l once more al fresco. Before we knew it, it was time for Christian to jump in his car to drive back to Banyuls as I waved him goodbye with a lump in my throat. Yes, who'd have thought it ... ?

Thursday 27 May 2010

Learning the Lesson

Went to visit Christian this morning with Joséphine so that we could be present for a talk given by the dietitian. Nothing seriously new apart from the enormous amount of cholesterol in oysters. Stayed on for lunch in the staff canteen where it was obvious that the menu planners had not been to the same lecture as us. It's a similar story outside where you see staff puffing away on the fags. You'd think that all the heart problems that they see would encourage a more healthy lifestyle. I suppose it's a question of the cobbler's children being ill-shod.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Full Steam Ahead!

The work started in earnest on Tuesday with a visit to the dietitian, the physio, the doctor and the beginning of the excercise programme. Visiting is now at the end of the afternoon as Christian is far too busy before. David and Laura (Scots from Perthshire with a holiday home not far away here) drove me down and on our return we enjoyed a couple of glasses of rosé on the terrace of the bar.
Wednesday, visiting was even later as Christian went to a talk given by the cardiologist so there wasn't even the possibility of a cup of tea for Jean-Jacques and I. Here are the two of them with the Mediterranean as a backdrop. If you have to be "reeducated", there are worse spots to be, I say. Christian has dropped more weight and looks quite sporty in his new gear and is well pleased with being able to walk better than of late.

Monday 24 May 2010

Enjoying the Sea Air

I thought that it was about time to have another photo of Christian so you can see how he's doing. He looks as if he's on holiday but still, all that will change tomorrow. He did well for visitors today - Anne and Terry with me and then surprise visits from Gaby and Chantal and then Marie-Kathrine. This morning he only did one circuit of the grounds instead of two as he was feeling tired but apart from that everyone is surprised by how good he looks. I'm doing well too. Finally made a start on the ironing and got through a fair amount and this evening Anne and Terry have invited me to share a Thai chicken dinner with them. I'll really have to get my act together if Christian comes home this weekend as it will have been three weeks since I've done any actual cooking! Anyone have any recipes for low- fat, low-sugar, low salt dishes? I've recipe books for one or the other but not all three at the same time!

Sunday 23 May 2010

Sea View

Where has the weekend gone? Market and lunch with Madeline on Saturday and an afternoon trip down the coast with Marie-Lourdes. While it's true that Christian's room is not directly overlooking the sea, he does have a view of a little creek. This photo is taken from the "panoramique restaurant" where we go for an afternoon cup of tea. It really is a super place to get back on your feet.
Today I had my 3rd consequtive lunch out as Jean and Marie-Lourdes invited me to try out the restaurant at the local campsite which has just changed hands. It was excellent with grilled king prawns and lots of other nice things on the 12€ menu. It was lovely sitting out in the shade of the pine trees and diners can even have use of the pool. This afternoon it was Viv and Pepe who volunteered to give me a lift down to see Christian and while we were there, José and Violette arrived too. It's been really warm (28°) these last couple of days so finally, the warmer clothes have made their way into the trunk to be replaced in the wardrobe bythe summer gear. It's a job that takes ages to do and I'll probably put a load of it back unworn in autumn. Such is life!

Friday 21 May 2010

Change of scene

First stop on the way in to the hospital with Joséphine was "Decathlon", a major sports chain, to buy Christian some new gear. His transfer down to the re-education centre was done by ambulance car once is bag was packed we wished him "bon voyage" and headed for the lake for lunch al fresco. It was gloriously warm and sunny and a real tonic to be in the fresh air. Of course the trees are a lot greener now but the view is still the same.
Christian, meantime settled himself into a double room without a sea view however, his room mate is on weekend leave, a long one as it's Pentecost, and is on the list for something else. There were a couple of examinations done and he's been told to make the most of the rest. He seems quite content with his lot so far especially as he was allowed a glass of wine with his dinner. The hard work will start on Tuesday so let's hope that he doesn't get too used to the R & R and if works hard he could be allowed next weekend at home!

Thursday 20 May 2010

Wired Up

You can see how much weight Christian has lost and he looks so much better for it. No, he hasn't taken to carrying a handbag and it isn't one of those pouches that airlines put around children's necks when they are unaccompanied. It's a "doplaire". Don't know what it's called in English but it measures his blood pressure over 24 hours. After the Association committee meeting I took the bus and Martine brought me back. I've just got to grips with the transport system to Perpignan and now it's time to do the same to Banyuls.
On our return Martine and I stopped by at the bar for a wine tasting of primarily, rosé. It was a fine sunny evening and we both did a little shopping.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

On the Table

Imagine my anxiety when I went to the hospital at 2.30pm with Geneviève and found that Christian wasn't in his room. When I spoke to hima t 8.30am he was waiting to go down to theatre for the stent implantation. He finally reappeared at 3.30pm having had to wait several hours for his turn. I was amazed that he could sit in his chair and having been fasting since midnight, of course, the lad was hungry. Instead of coming back with Geneviève I decided to stay with him and take the bus back at 6.30pm which meant that I was late getting to the neighbourhood meal in the little square in front of the church. First of all I had to finish off the Millionaire's shortbread that I'd made with what I thought was the French equivalent of condensed milk. It hadn't set solid and oozed out from under the chocolate topping when it was cut which made it more like a dessert than a slice. Never-the-less it went down a bomb as did the whisky fruit cake. Oh yes, the theme was food from different countries. Only stayed until about 9.30pm when I went home to catch up with Holby and surf the net. Must try to get to bed earlier.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Treatment Programme

Out of bed once again, Christian is brighter than yesterday. The cardiologist has decided to put in a stent and then send him for 3 weeks "réeducation" at Banyuls in a centre which overlooks the sea. He's a bit half-hearted about it probably because it will involve excercise! While it will be another stretch away from home and more difficult to get to, I think that it's a good idea. At least he'll be learning how to manage his life from here on in and hopefully establish some good habits. My day has been a bit more varied. I took the bus into Perpignan and had a quick look around a couple of shops. We really should make more effort to come in especially as there is no need to take the car. The sun was shining and people were enjoying sitting out. Had lunch in the hospital canteen of an orange, roll and a tea plate sized salad (no protein) for what I thought was an outrageous price of 7.10€. The Mayor and his wife called in and Marcelle and Jean-Claude picked me up as they had an appointment in town. This evening I was invited along with Barbara to Nick and Lizzie's for soup and a bbq which we ate outside followed by dessert and coffeee inside. Now I suppose I'd better start and look at transport possibilities ....

Monday 17 May 2010

After Effects

Today's angiogram left Christian quite tired when I went in to see him this afternoon. Confined to bed by a drip he's not allowed to bend the leg where the instrument in for 12 hours. Pleased to say that when he telephoned later on he sounded much brighter. A nurse said that he should have a stent put in but no doubt the cardiologist will tell him more tomorrow when he does his rounds. Jacques was my chauffeur for the day as he was taking a friend to the station. We were home for about 5pm and that gave me time to do several odd jobs around the house. Now I really must decide what to make for the neighbourhood outdoor get-together on Wednesday evening.

Sunday 16 May 2010

Hand of Friendship

Blue skies and a the Tramontane is blowing strongly, so it's not as hot as it should be. Christian was in good form this morning when I went in with Françoise and is being amazingly patient with having to hang around. Still, he has a wee friend for comapany and tomorrow it will be down to to theatre for an angiogram and who knows what else.
Managed to burn both the curry that I took out from the freezer and the rice so lunch wasn't my greatest culinary success. Wandered over to the Mairie where there was a congregation of sardane dancers all afternoon. Then went with Philippe and Danielle to visit Christian. Still in good spirits and he doesn't seem worried about tomorrow. Arrived home just as the sardane was packing up so I stopped by and joined them for an apéritif.
As for the tv, I took my courage in my hands and even though it said not to, I unplugged the box and it all came back on and stayed on for "Lewis". It's good to have life's inconsequential little pleasures at times like these .

Saturday 15 May 2010

Tea for Two

Well, after visiting, Barbara and I went to the bar which was packed out. We passed on the paella as the chef was kind enough to do us a plate of cold cuts which we ate in the tv free dining room. We could tell from the noise that USAP were winning and the final score was 21-13. The final is on the 29th in Paris. In fact there was no one in the fountain as we made our way home, the spectators had just melted away.
Just one visit today in the afternoon so it was possible to do the usual market trip. The weather is at last dry and the sun shining but the wind makes it chilly. Christian in good form and I was able to stay for two and half hours while Jean and Marcel did their paint shopping. There was even a cuppa and a couple of biscuits for me. On the other photo I took Christian was smiling but it was out of focus so here's one of him with his mouth full. It's so much easier now that he has a telephone and visiting is all day until 8pm. He'd seen the doctor in the morning who was satisfied with him but found his a strange case. He does not have the symptoms that would be expected.
This evening was the national "nuit des musées" where public museums open their doors free of charge. In the village there was a concert of Catalan songs given by our guitarist friend, Jean followed by one of Blues but I I didn't have the energy to stay. Instead I went home and screwed up the satellite. Playing up again just as "Casualty was about to start I followed a set of directions I'd found on a web site. Now I have a message saying that the system update should take 10 minutes (normal) but that was 2 hours ago!

Friday 14 May 2010

Settling Down

As of lunch time today, Christian has a room with a view on the outside world and for the first time in 8 days has been able to put one foot in front of the other. This morning he had an ultasound of his heart and now there doesn't seem anything else to do but wait until Monday. My neighbours Jean-Claude and Marcelle gave me a lift in this morning but after an hour we could see that Christian was starting to get tired. Back in this evening with Barbara while everyone else from miles around prepares for the Top 14 rugby semi final Perpignan v Toulouse.
The bar this evening will be full of fans eating paella, cheering on USAP and no doubt raising a glass or two. Fortunately the sun is starting to shine as there will be two "big screens" on the terrace. Want to take bets on how many bathers there will be in the fountain?

Thursday 13 May 2010

Moving Out

Christian looking good today and is waiting for a normal room to become available so before too long it will "bye bye" to intensive (with a small 'c' ) care. As this is a public holiday (Ascension), the top man has gone off for a few days so there will be no further investigations until then. Monday they will be having a further look at his heart and arteries. on our return from the hospital, Jean and Françoise invited me for lunch which I was more than happy to accept. Anne and Henry are going in this evening so I've had a bit of time to wind down and look at the rain outside.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Tucking In

A wet and miserable day as I sit here waiting to set off for the morning visit to Christian. Today he's having some investigations so perhaps we'll start to get an idea as to what the future holds. Still as bright as a button, listening to music or reading he's looking good. Jacques, a neighbour, is my chevalier today and it's time to go.....
There was no lunch for Christian as he was scheduled to have stuff done to him in the afternoon. I, however, fared rather better with an invite to Jacques' to eat with him and a friend. As it happens it was his birthday so his trip to the hospital really was above and beyond.
Despite having an electro-shock to try and even out his heart rythme and a scope being put down his throat for a look around you can see that Christian is enjoying another unappetising meal. Juste and I could only marvel at his resilience!
The rain has continued all day and night but the telly has not player up once. See what I mean about no ryhme nor reason. Only problem was having to choose between Holby or Midsommer. Having had my fill of hospitals and more to the point, cardiology, I opted for 3 murders and an attempted murder as roses around every door bloomed happily and obliviously away!

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Magical Mystery Tour

A big adventure today as I travelled on the bus into Perpignan for the first time in the 13 years that we have been here. It took me a while to find my connection to the clinc and lo and behold one of the stops was at the railway station where the bus had stopped on the way in . Still it wasn't raining at that point and I was able to soak up the buzz of the city. Joëlle and Daniel picked me up and I had lunch with them and stayed until it was time to go for the afternoon visit. The bus takes much longer of course but next week I'll need to take it more regularly rather than keep relying on friends. What's even better is that the you can travel on Deparmental buses for 1€ so I can get to the hospital and back for 4.20€
Home to catch up with phone calls and learn that the lucky people of UK now have a Tory PM. Didn't catch all the toing and froing as the satellite box is on the blink and keeps losing the signal. Just when I could do with a break from all the other stuff.

Monday 10 May 2010

Every Cloud

6th May - 10th May
Thursday Christian had his appointment with the community based cardiologist. He's been suffering with breathlessness for a while and latterly with a cough. The specialist found that he had a heart rate of 144 and his ears were turning blue when he lay down. Consequently he was packed off to the hospital. That evening he had a heart attack. I was there when he started to have real problems. He was blue even under oxygen and his blood pressure had fallen to 90/45. He was takento what is called "réanimation" which is a step down from intensive care. They told me that it was very serious so you can imagine I didn't get much sleep.
The next day when I went to visit he was sitting up attached to lots of tubes and monitors but was chirpy and looking not too bad. Looking at this photo he doesn't look as if he'd just passed through a critical period and he was already talking about making an overnight stay on our drive up to Normandy in 3 weeks time! Visiting is strictly controlled: shoes have to be covered, hands washed and only 2 people at any one time. Hours are from 12pm-1pm and 5pm-6pm ie around meal times. The meals aren't very appetising to look at especially when you yourself haven't eaten. Friends in the village have been just wonderful with offers of help and lifts. Most of my day needless to say is spent toing and froing and on the phone. I'm feeling tired but glad to say that I'm therefore able to sleep at night.
On the way home from Friday's visit I stopped by at the vernissage with Ann and Terry as I thought it was a good means of giving everyone an update. I was then invited back for something to eat which was a great way to wind down.
Saturday, 8th May being "Liberation Day", there was of course a parade and wreath laying ceremony. I went to the one up in the other village as the delegate's delegate and did another briefing. Nick and Lizzie invited me to share a paella and some chat after the morning's visit.
Yesterday, the 10th Christian was allowed to sit in his chair, the catheter is out, his medication by drip has been reduced but he's still on the monitor and there's no decision about next steps. Stents and pacemakers have been mentioned but the info seems to change daily.
Thank goodness Christian was in the hospital when he had the heart attack and the kindness of friends and aquaintances here has been truly heart warming (sorry if that sounds slushy but it's true). We're so lucky

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Water, Water Everywhere

Went into Perpignan still in search of garden furniture and still can't find what we really want. Thought that we'd have lunch at the local auberge on the way back but it was closed. What is it with the folk around here? Went instead to a small modern place near the supermarket which does cheap and cheerful. It's still cold with patches of sun and this photo shows the ford in flood. It's not so long since we were complaining about a water shortage. Meanwhile in Greece there have been violent anti-governement demonstrations against the austerity measures and in Britain there's one last mad round of canvassing.

Monday 3 May 2010

Winter's Back

Cold and wet. It's hard to believe that the temperature could drop nearly 20° in less than a week. Christian did his usual monthly stint up in the mountains while I went to visit Annette who lives even higher up. We were the only people in the restaurant and as Christian wasn't very hungry we only ate a main course. Sad to say, the bad weather is set to last for a few days yet with snow forecast at low levels tomorrow. South of France? May?

Sunday 2 May 2010

The rain held off in the morning and we took a ride around the hinterland of Gruissan to see the old salt pans, buy mussels and to visit the wine co-operative, the marina and a sailors' chapel up above the town. Lunch followed by a short siesta and it was time to pack up and head for home where it started to teem down with rain. We battened down the hatches and decided to put the heating back on.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Worker's Playtime

Made a bit of a slow start for our trip to Guisson on the Narbonne coast where our neighbour Jacques has a large chalet. We rendez-voused with the others who had all arrived before us at the market in the village. Enjoyed a walk around the medieval village and up to the tower. Aparently the chateau had to be divided in two between the archdioscese and a local noble as no one could agree to whom it belonged. As it was 1st May, Christian bought all the women some lily of the valley and we went to hearthe local band play "The Internationale" and other less revolutionary songs in front of the Mairie. The maire as you might guess is a socialist and an ex international rugby player. Slight of stature he was know as "le petit prince". Needless to say there was an apéritif to follow and needless to say we (ie, Jacques and we two) felt obliged to show our solidarity. Being a Saturday, today is known as "the boss's public holiday" as the workers lose out because unlike in UK there is no day off in lieu. arrived at the chalet to find that the others had opened the oysters, chilled the wine, cut up the melon and fired up the bbq. In the afternoon the rain as forecast arrived so we were confined to barracks. Pierre, Andrée and Nicole returned home but the rest of us drank wine, chatted and thought up future festivities for the street.