Saturday 17 May 2014

A Capital Day

Christian stayed home to rest and Nany to potter around with Laura while David drove the rest of us to Rosslyn Chapel known for its Masonic and Da Vinci code connections.
It's an amazing building with incredibly ornate stone work There were too many people trying to look around so it wasn't easy to look around.  Had our coffee there and then went into Edinburgh for lunch before we "did" the Royal Mile. The pub I'd chosen was a wee place that had been an 18th century coaching inn and had lots of character. The food was good and extremely well priced.
The sun was shining and the Georgian New Town was looking its best when we drove through before going up to the Castle. David dropped us off and went to park.
Watched the changing of the guard and wandered down the Royal Mile, popping in and out of tartan shops, the Cathederal, Deacon Brodie's teashop for a coffee and finally to Holyrood.
There were royals (only the Wessexes) staying as it was the opening of the Church of Scotland General Assembly. Unfortunately we were too late to let Michèle and Henri to have a peak in the Parliament building but we did have time for a cuppa in the Palace tearoom.
Rather than go back home it was arranged that we'd go to the Bridge of Allen (which had been our first stop when we brought the big French group over in April2011 ) for Fish and Chips after a drink in a very crowded hotel bar across the road.
Today was supposedly World Whisky Day (established by an Aberdeen student!) but there was no evidence of it anywhere and we didn't even have a nip either. Next year it's on 16th May, so get planning.

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