Monday 19 May 2014

Last Day

David and Laura were also setting off after us to the south of England to go and visit their new granddaughter who arrived a month early . It was really kind of them not to tell us to make other arragements but that's what they're like. Today is the last but one leg of our trip and we had Glasgow in our sights. Kelvingrove Art Gallery had been another "must see" as they all wanted to see  Dali's "Cruxifiction".  But before that we stopped off at the "Famous Grouse Experience" near Crieff and while we didn't do the tour there was plenty to see in the visitor centre. The shop was spacious and well laid out and it was surprising how many different kinds of whisky they do, not taking into account the Glenturret malt. We'd already discovered "Black Grouse" in Ballachullish and found it lightly peaty and of good quality for a blended.
We started the visit at the museum with a coffee and then went in our different directions There was also an organ recital and a temporary exhibition about the growth of Glasgow in the 18th century that Christian and I spent our time looking at before meeting Blair and Anne in the restaurant for lunch. While Christian took it easy in the afternoon I had a look around the MacIntosh collection and encouraged the others to do so on account of the Port Vendres connection. Well, not just that, he's synonomous with Glasgow and very talented.

The sun was with us all the day until we were ensconced in "The Hollies" our B & B in Prestwick  when there was an almighty thunderstorm but fortunately the rain was off when it was time to walk down to "The Dome", an old haunt of ours, to meet Colin and Sheila for dinner. Once safely back, the rain came on again so our luck had held out until the very last. I can't believe that we were only bothered once by the rain and we'd had many sunny days to boot.

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