Monday 12 May 2014

All Day Round Trip

We're a very disciplined group; no stragglers at breakfast time and ready for the off at the appointed time. Fortunately, last night's rain had passed over and we had a day of sunny spells which was great as there was more scenery to make you open your eyes wide with amazement. 
Set off for the Corran Ferry for the 5 minute crossing to Ardgour. The guy who took our money was an ardent independence supporter and left us in no doubt as to what he thought of the English. I just handed over the dosh and kept my mouth shut. On the way to Strontian , which means Point of the Fairies in Gaelic we stopped at a layby with a view over Loch Linnhe where we found some people seal watching. They were kind enough to point them out and lend us their binoculers. Climbed back into the "bus" and went on to Acharacle  for  coffee in a wholesome sort of tea shop. Sadly, I missed the turn for the ruined Castle Tioram (pronounced Cheerum)  but who ever heard of a tour guide sitting at the back of the bus ... yes,  positions had already been taken up! 
Scenery, scenery and more scenery until we reached Morar where the hotel was closed
but the views were splendid! André and I climbed up the 100+ steps to the iron cross for even better views over the Inner Hebredes. A couple of local residents, out enjoying the sunshine advised to go back to Arisaig for lunch rather than go into Mallaig.
As we continued on our way, cloud came in and when we arrived at Glenfinnan at 3.20pm, we were 20 minutes late for the steam train that crosses the viaduct there. If you're a "Harry Potter" fan and have seen the films you'll know what I'm talking about. Much to our delight (even though none of us are hooked on the wee fella), the train was 22 minutes late so we were able to snap away along with a whole host of other folk who were there for the same reason.
Glenfinnan, is however, more than just a film set; it was the place where Bonnie Prince Charlie raised his standard to start the ill-fated 1745 campaign to put his father back on the throne.  
Tea and a wander around the Scottish National Trust visitor centre was a must before we headed to Corpach and our overnight stay at Mansefield House run by two Australians who would just love to have a place in St Cyprien! This didn't exactly correspond with their eco/ healthy outdoor sort of image but still, each to their own. We'd booked in for the evening meal but none of us was really able to do justice to it, Christian least of all. He's still having difficulty with stairs, feels nauseous and is even more bloated. He's nothing if not courageous doing the driving and keeping up with us but maybe it takes his mind of things, more likely, he doesn't want to let people down.  Anyway, whatever the reason, he's a real trooper!


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