Saturday 31 May 2014

Life in Second Gear

Went to the market so that Mary could see a bit more than the village. Luckily, she's been loads of times before so doesn't need to see the sights and is happy pottering around enjoying the sun. The cherry festival was on, so parking was difficult and the town busy. It was noisy too with a succession of bandas playing at all the bars. Follow this link to have a taste of what it sounds like, if you don't already know. Saturday morning with not a bull fight in sight was a more sedate affair than this one which in it's turn was rather tame for the usual feria stuff.  Still it was early on  in the day.
There was a singer/guitarist on at the bar in the evening but none of us had the energy to go and see him. Saturday nights weren't always like this!
23°, sun and some wind

Left Mary at home while I went to Spanish and in the afternoon distributed the association's lates message. In the evening, Mary and I went again to the bar and were entertained by the women starting out on Samia's "hen" night.
23°, sun and cloud

Today is a public holiday and we entertained Eamon and Liz over lunch. Did duck breast which turned out well, followed by an Eton Mess made with cherries
22°, short shower in the afternoon

Collected Mary from the airport where we bumped into Rowena who had been on the same flight. Did nothing other than go to the bar for a drink leaving Christian at home to rest.
Maya Angelou died aged 86

Christian spent most of the day resting or sleeping while I prepared for Mary's arrival tomorrow.
22°, sun and short showers

Made an early start to attend Christian's appointment with the cardiologist and arrived before either him or his receptionist. The upshot was that Christian's heart is not the problem but his heart medication that has thrown his thyroid out of kilter. He reduced the medsand gave him something to deal with the thyroid problem, said his swollen stomache was gas and to come back in three months time and to see his GP in 3 weeks time. Things looking brighter as it seems that something can be done.
From here we went into the town and found Jean and Françoise having coffee and exchanged our respective news.
20°, heavy rain

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