Friday 9 May 2014

On to the Next

It was a pity that we couldn't do justice to Una's excellent "full Scottish" - Christian because he's not feeling well and me because I'm worried about him. After lunch I took myself off to the shops in Ayr while Ann and Noel went to a funeral and Christian rested. Found M&S a bit more interesting than it's been for a long time so splashed out on some jeans and a top.
14°, sunshine and showers

After spending a quiet morning with Andy and Maureen, they kindly drove us down to Mauchline after lunch. Christian not feeling so good; climbing stairs is difficult for him and carrying anything is a definite no-no. Una made us as welcome as usual then we had a rest before going around to Ann and Noel's for dinner.
13°, cloudy, heavy rain overnight

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