Friday 2 May 2014

Getting Our Act Together

Spanish this morning and Christian who is starting to pick up went to the Mairie in the morning, for the installation of his computer this afternoon and a twinning meeting this evening. Oh yes, he got the car back. All afternoon and a good part of the evening I was "dashing away with the smoothing iron"! 29 shirts, 17 pairs of trousers, 6 tops, 1 sweater and other bits and pieces. It's like catching up with the blog .... I always swear never to leave things so long but best laid plans and all that ....
18°, sun, Tramontane blowing with gusts of 80kms/hr

A night's sleep did Christian good but we were both shaken by last night's experience but it's taught us that he can no longer make too much physical effort.
Today's a public holiday and it's traditional to give lily of the valley to your loved one  to bring luckand Christian came back from the bread run with some for me. All together now, ahhhhh! Jane, who's staying round the corner in a holday home and who I hardly know came around to print off flight and train tickets this morning but for the rest of the day Christian rested up and I prepared healthy canapés for our evening with Robin and Di. Pea, cucumber and mint verrines, aubergine dip with crudités, cheese and for dessert a "Grammar School Mess". It was made with fromage blanc rather than double cream so I changed the "Eton" tag. It was just as good to my way of thinking.
20°, feeling colder in the house than outside

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