Saturday 24 May 2014

Another Rhythm


After several days of being close to home, this morning we ventured forth to the market which was busy and met up with Henri and Michèle. They took us off to the Pizzeria for lunch al fresco as they are off to Australia this week. Put in an appearance at the "Nature Day" which had been organised for the first time. Sadly there wasn't much going on to make people linger ... there's a limit to how long that you can admire a teepee. Came home via the hairdressers where there was an artist painting on glass. Not as strange as it sounds; the hairdresser paints and uses the salon also as a gallery. She wants to develop her premises into something cultural in parallel to her business. With big potted plants, bistro table, chairs, parasol and her easel on her terrace, it has really added something to the square. Since moving there in April, apparently her takings have increased so, a win/win situation.
Jean-Jacques joined us for a glass of cava and some lite bites.

22°, sun

Christian went over to the Mairie for a short while while I struggled on with Spanish. He slept most of the afternoon.
19°, sun then rain later

Christian went off without his breakfast to have his blood taken and I went to the language exchange. droped into the bar for a glass of wine but wre didn't stay or have lunch in the restaurant.
22°, cloud then blue skies and sun

We took it easy all day until it was time for Christian to see his GP. His heart was sounding better but his breathing worrying however, not enouh to try and bring forward his appointment with the cardiologist. In the meantime, he has to have a series of blood tests. Quiet evening.
17°, heavy rain

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