Tuesday 6 May 2014

Driving South to Fly North

Took the motorway to Barcelona, double the journey that we're used to as Ryanair have moved flights to Scotland from Girona. Still needs must. We found our off site parking easily - "The Victoria Parking" and were well pleased by the price and service. The flight went without mishap and Andy and Maureen were at Prestwick to meet us. Christian was tired so we were pleased to spend a quiet evening at home.
Weather :
Sun, 21° (France), 13°, cloudy but dry (Glasgow)
20 years since the Channel Tunnel opened
Hollande in power for 2 years and only 20% have confidence in him
Demonstrations in Nigeria about government  inactivity in finding over 200 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram who are threatening to sell them into slavery.

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