Sunday 25 May 2014

Scary Results

Christian not feeling well enough to help out with the European elections, especially as he was on the list to go up o theother village where several of the inhabitants who didn't ever come to the monthly surgery come and complain about being neglected! You can certainly do without all that when you're not feeling well. After we had voted, we went off to Philippe and Paula's to have lunch with them and their respective Mums as thi is Mothers' Day here. Christian's appetite is still diminished which is a shame as Philippe is a good cook. He rested and slept most of the afternoon and didn't come with me for the count at the Mairie. What a sad turnout ..... apart from those officiating, There were only 10 of  us from the general public to witness the Front National come in first. Not just here, all the communes round about were the same. Grim; In Britain UKIP came in first passed the post. Something ....  but what (?) needs to happen before everyone becomes so xenophobe. In case your interested here are our results
European Election Results for the Commune
Registered Voters: 2,226
Abstentions: 56.47%
Front National: 292/31.50%
Ump (Right): 151/16.29%
Socialists 135/14.56%
Greens 118/12.73%
Front Gauche (Far Left) 93/10.03%
Plus 20 other Lists
The photo was taken by Philippe's house marking the passage of both people fleeing Franco in one direction and others fleeing nazi France in the other. Ironic, isn't it?

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