Saturday 31 October 2015

Paris comes South

Off to the market with Michel and for once, didn't meet anyone with whom to have a drink but the sun was shining and there was music to liven the atmosphere of the town's Autumn Fair. This afternoon watched a bit of tv, made a cake and some soup, gave sweets to kids who came to the door for Halloween. Here you hand over goodies and all you get in return is a "merci" and a smile. Had to laugh though at 3 older kids who arrived with beanie hats on with "obey" written on the front; when I explained what it meant in French, in one fell swoop, perfectly synchronised, they whipped the hats off their heads! It was so funny.
Dinner chez Jean-Jacques where I tucked into Spag Bol along with Pierre and Andrée and so October moved into November ......
20°, sun and blue skies

The kids left at 7am to get back to Paris in one go so, the house is quiet for quite some time to come.The soft top went too as Frank will try to sell it in Paris; even if it is heading into winter, he feels he'll get a better price for it there. It's strange to see the garage empty.
Still, there was no time to feel lonely as I was invited to Jacques along with Michel and Jean-Jacques for lunch.
Computer and tv in the afternoon and  the First Téléthon event of 2015 in the village hall. An am-dram group put on a play about the "Retirada" and there was a bar nice things to eat to help swell the funds. It was good though sadly there weren't any of the other local Brits in sight. Came home, fought and lost  with "itunes" which for some reason won't accept my password. Finally got to bed at 315am and still no sign of a solution

There were a load of us in the bar to meet up with the language exchangers; there was, the family, Jean-Jacques, Annie, and Martine. Only stayed for a drink before having lunch at home. Spent the afternoon preparing for our neighbourhood get-together. I made a "Calypso Lentil Soup" while Stéphnie and the girls made chocolate brownies and a pepper and anchovy tart. Luckily the weather was good and standing around the roasting chestnuts, it wasn't at all cold. I came away early and went to bed as I was feeling done in. Straight to sleep without even hearing the others come in.
21°, sun and light cloud

Frank treated us to lunch and a good bottle of wine at the restaurant and while we were there, a local hunter drove up with this wee fella on the back. Hope you're not sqeamish because you could get a pal of his served up one day when you're here!  
After a quick turn around at home, Frank and I went to see the lawyer to sign the succession papers and then joined Stéphanie and the girls for a hot chocolate. It was that kind of weather.
Had dinner at home and watched "The Angels' Share". Still, good second time around and it was nice to go to bed on, unusually for Ken Loach, a feel good factor.
21°, sunny morning, heavy rain in the afternoon

While the family went off and did their thing, I went down to Argelès with Ann and Terry. Tried "Le Regal" for lunch which had had  good reviews. They didn't say that it was on a 'zone d'activité" and that it didn't have any character. On the plus side the meal was tasty and good value.
Went into the town for a coffee but being Monday, most of the shops were closed. Anyway, we found a tearoom for a cuppa but resisted the cakes. Ann did however succumb to buying chocolate for which she paid an eye-watering price.
With the sun shining, it was a pleasant afernoon for a stroll along the prom. Terry fell over while taking this photo and dropped the camera in the sand. One little grain jammed it but fortunately, I managed to remove it so, potential  problem solved.
In the evening there was the AGM of a cancer association of which I'm a supporting member. Apart from the committee, (and they weren't all there), I was the only member present. The association was wound up for lack of interest. Now there's a surprise, I don't think. The President is a "swanner around" who like's the glory and gets others to do the work. She did organise an apéritif and cakes (from her son-in-law's [reknowned] bakery). Called into the bar for a glass of wine with the family before going home for a dinner.
20°, sun, light clouds and moderate wind.

The beds were no sooner empty and the sheets washed and dried than the next family arrived, this time from Paris. They settled in, we ate in and caught up on our respective news.
18°, cloud and light rain

Sunday 25 October 2015

Keep on Running

It was lovely to have an extra hour in bed and before the family left we went for a coffee, then down to he recreation ground to see the runners come to the staging post where there were refreshments for those who weren't watching the clock. Those who were, just sped through.. There was a festive air with a local banda providing the music. So, then it was time for the family to take the road on their way North; I took the road to the bar for another coffee this time with Maggie. Met up with Nany, Jacques, Lisa and Yaneth; the latter. while we continued chatting Jacques went off to prepare lunch to which I was invited.
Came home for an afternoon in front of the tv and computer screens. Worked on the association's website and caught up with an overflowing inbox.
19°, sunshine, cloud later on.

Saturday 24 October 2015

À Table!

Market in the morning where we all met up with Michèle and Henri for an apéro. Lunch at the restaurant in the village (2nd time his week for me) followed by a coffee at the bar. Quiet afternoon while Christophe went back to the bar to watch the rugby. Don't remember who was playing; so what? who cares? Valérie and I joined him and Jacques for an apéro before a "fridge supper" at home.
19°, sun then cloud

The family went off to Limoux to see Marie and Pierre who's been in hospital.
Feeling brighter today. Maybe because it's warmer; maybe because I had two invites for lunch (Françoise and Philippe, Jacques and Yaneth) and an invite for a weekend in Marseilles, again with Philippe and Françoise. Didn't accept any of them.
Spent the afternoon preparing for tonight's apéritif dinatoire and the evening tucking in to it.
21°, sunshine

The family decided to go off to the Dali museum in Figueres which I decided to give a miss. Opted instead for a trip to the bar and lunch at the restaurant. Over the road to have my nails done in the afternoon and then dinner at home after watching a video of the kids in their end of term concert. One on drums, one on guitar and one lead singer. Despite being in the bosom of the family, I felt flat and tired but no doubt it'll pass.
20°, feeling colder in the wind

The family went off to Perpignan for the day and I entertained Anne C to coffee after lunch. She brought flowers and a lovely rose crystal which is said to have health giving properties. Had dinner at Danielle's along with Yaneth, the not so wee Lisa anymore and Jean-Jacques. Jacques was in Paris for a meeting. It was a good thing that the family didn't mind an absentee hostess
16°, cold wind and clearer skies

The annual "must do if you want to have a valid insurance" obligation to have the chimney swept was done today. Thankfully, the sweep had been and gone by the time that Christophe, Valérie and the two boys arrived. Went for an apéritif at the bar and then came home and had another one.
19° but feeling cooler with the Tramontane blowing, sunshine

Monday 19 October 2015

Cross Border Chat

Coffee at the bar first, now there's a surprise then finally got around to soaking the fruit for this year's Christmas cake in a load of booze. This evening there was dinner at Dani and Brian's along with Scots, David and Laura. Good British food and pleasant chat.

17°, low cloud and drizzle

Sunday 18 October 2015

Roses Grow on You

Despite overnight rain and the promise of more too come, Nicole was still game to go as arranged to Roses. Well, she does live half of the year in Germany and a bit of rain is not something to get in the way. We were rewarded with pleasant sunshine as we strolled around the market where I bought a (dusky pink) down jacket. Now, that's something I'd never have gone for when I was carrying more weight .....
and it still fitted after our buffet lunch at the Hotel Maritim!
It was Jean-Jacques' birthday yesterday but he was away and we couldn't celebebrate it he came around this evening and we opene a bottle of champage  and ate some foie gras. As they say, better late than never!
17°, overnight rain, low cloud, sun later

Saturday 17 October 2015

Short and Sweet

All too soon it was time for Colin and Sheila to leave; theywere on the road by 10h30 to get their flight so I took the bus to the supermarket where I met Martine who gave me a lift back. Spent the afternoon on the computer catching up with association stuff and the evening watching tv.
18°, feeling cool 

Coffee in the bar, well those of you who know me, will be aware that I'm a creature of habit, before setting off for Sant Martí. Started with lunchas it was after 2pm and had to wear hats and keep under the parasol while we ate. Had a pleasant meal at "La Terrassa" in the picturesque square. Thought this link might be more interesting than the usual Tripadvisor one (there is one by the way).
A good walk along the prom followed and a stop in the restaurant opposite on the way bacm for a tea and a pee!
Made it back to the village with just enough time to freshen up and get over to the exhibition room for a vernissage. As it was the local art group, it was well attended and as the apéritif was augmented by the members, it meant that we didn't need to worry about supper. Lingered chatting for quite a while and then went next door to the bar where we supped wine and danced until late.
18°, warm sunshine, clouding over late afternoon

No language exchange this morning as there was a treasure hunt instead. We didn't do the hunt as Colin and Sheila had a lie in and we went for a coffee instead. Did join the treasurer hunters for the meal,  a delicious couscous and other North African delights. Dessert of Apple Crumble was decidedly British. Not sure why Trudi is so pleased with herself but it was obviously something athat amused Colin and Sheila.
 Had invited Jean-Jacques for an apéritif but he wasn't well and didn't come.
17°, sunshine

Spent the day getting ready for Colin and Sheila's visit. They arrived at the end of the afternoon so there was supper, chat and then bed.
17°, damp and feeling cooler

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Cheers to Nico

 Françoise came for tea and in the evening there was an apérobio with the usual 4 + Barbara and Lynn who are here on holiday. Nico's face is a real treat when he receives our inevitable compliments. I suppose bring stuck up in the kitchen, he rarely gets any feedback, hence his often glum look.
20°, rain later

Just a quiet coffee this morning at the bar where Françoise M and I were the only clients and then this afternoon, Nick came to help with a tv connection. Can't gad about all the time.
21°, Cloudy after overnight rain

Sunday 11 October 2015

October Fair

Up bright and early to set up a stand with Nicole at the October Fair to advertise our proposed women's group. We were next to the association so I ended up switching hats frequently. As is usually the case, it was a gloriously sunny day. we got 17 names and there were three women that I didn't know; so, a promising start.
In addition to the "Forum des Associations", there was a carboot sale which I didn't look around, even though I might have found a few things for my depleted wardrobe, Human towers, the village banda, a group of drummers and an apéritif at midday. Lunch was a plate of chips and a homemade lemon tartlet. Umph, not exactly a balanced meal.
Françoise and Jean came back at the end for a cup of tea. Dinner at the bar while Ireland won their World Cup match was David's treat and an altogether better proposition than lunch.
24°, sun with light rain in the evening
Bomb in Turkey leaving over 100 dead

Saturday 10 October 2015

Let them Eat Cake!

Ann and Noel left today and the blog catch up from the 31st August is underway!
My Scottish pals left for the airport about 10am and I toddled off to buy a brioche; you know the stuff that Marie-Antoinette said the French could eat instead of the bread that was in short supply. Once a year  they are being sold in France in aid of a children's charity. Caught up with local news and  stayed on to help sell so that some of the others could go off for a coffee. Think we raised about 400€. The French are not great givers to charity but this is a tradition that they respect at 5€ a go.
Then it was my turn for a coffee at the bar. spent the rest of the day catching up with domestic stuff. Needs must.
23°, sun

Ann and Noël had been told about a restaurant near here by some friends that they'd met in the check-in queue and despite me being a bit lukewarm, they wanted to try it. It was on the way to the opthamologist's where I was going for a check up so that was a point in it's favour. The meal was fine but the large open dining room was empty apart from four others. Christian always liked what he had on his plate but for me it was never enough to make up for the lack of atmosphere. I couldn't say the same for the salon de thé/patisserie where we had tea and creamy cakes in Amélie. The waitress/ shop assisstant was lively and full of chat, giving Noel a hard time for England's lack of success in the rugby.
We had another quiet night in (changed days, eh?) with my guests snoozing in front of he tv.

Thursday 8 October 2015

Two more Restaurants

We were rather more energetic today. Started the morning with a coffee at the bar where we met up with loads of the language exchangers. the terrace was full. Michel came by and seeing a ready made audience, he went home for his guitar an set about entertaining us.
At 1pm we tore ourselves way to head off to Garriguella for lunch at "El Moli del Vent". 13€ all in and as usual, it was excellent. From here we made the short journey down to Llanca for a walk by the sea and coffee stop. All we needed this evening was a wee apéritif infront of the tv.
22°, sunshine

Ann and Noel are here so the blog is still on hold.That's what I said then to avoid unnecessary worry. It's now 16th November and I've just done the first week of October. I'm getting there.

What a good job my guests are happy to take things easy as today was a quiet day. Being Wednesday even the bar was closed so there was no coffee. Another lunch out, this time at the restaurant. Ann and I were well pleased with the menu though Noel found his à la carte main course pretty meagre. His one course cost more than our three. The rest of the day was spent idly.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Shopping Trip

At last, Ann and Noel were going to get out of the village. We were off to Figueres. Started off with a coffee in the sun, bought some plants in the market and then some clothes shopping on the way to lunch at the "Ous d'or" (the Golden Egg) where you'll know that I've been a few times before. It was pleasant sitting out in the conservatory. Noel and ann were very patient while I zoomed around Zara. By the end of it all, dark clouds were menacing and by the time we reached the border, we had to stop the car until the torrential rain eased off.
None of us was interested in food as we'd eaten well at lunch time. I really am having an easy time with my guests. finished off the day with a short time at the bar listening to the guitarists that had turned up.
23°, sun and very heavy rain

Monday 5 October 2015


Things became a little complicated with Martine derailing, Laura's surprise birthday lunch organised for today by organising her own do last Friday and today for the folk from the club that she's President of.  In fact, she'd forgotten Laura's invite! So, to cut a long story short, the two guest lists were combined and Martine insisted on hosting the meal but this time some of us brought salads and other goodies. There was a mix of Brits, French, Catalan and Danish so Ann and Noel had no difficulty in finding someone to talk to. Martine was a bit like the Queen celebrating her birthday twice though I don't see HM running around after folk in the way she did. 
22°, cloudy

Sunday 4 October 2015

World Cup Woes

An even quieter day with just the usual sunday morning coffee stop at the bar with Nicole and Martine. after a late lunch, we spent the afternoon in so that Noel could watch more rugby while Ann and I read.  Glad to say that everyone was content with their lot. Shame about the weather though.
18°, cloudy

There was heavy overnight rain which lasted until 11am so I gave the market a miss. Fortunately, by the time Ann and Noel arrived from Scotland it was all more promising. We met up with Izzy and Richard at the bar, discussed the rugby that England lost and had dinner together. The Brits in the bar were not happy bunnies, I can tell you. Even, Gertie the whippet looks fed up but it's only a game, aint it?

Friday 2 October 2015


Lunch at Martine's in honour of her birthday next week. That's a good one; it was her birthday and she had all the work!  Got home for 5pm and was out again for 7pm wearing the obligatory green. This time for an Irish meal at Trevor and Judith's starting off with "Black Velvet" which I'm afraid seemed like a waste of fizz to me and finished with Irish coffee which was more like it. There was even a quiz on the Emerald Isle to start which was fun and I'll know not to think that the
shamrock is the national emblem; it's the harp. As I'm actually writing this on 16th November, I can tell you that this knowledge came in useful at last Friday's quiz but on the other hand, I got the most popular sport (Gaelic football) the first time round but got the answer wrong the second time.
Sun in the morning, rain late afternoon, dry in the evening.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Buzzing Around

It's feeling more like Autumn and while you might think that it's normal for October, I can tell you it's not what we're used to here. after drinks at the bar I should have treated Jean-Jacques to lunch at the restaurant but instead we we're invited to join Nany and André at "Les Abeilles". I didn't eve have to pay as André beat me to it.
Even though it was raining, I took the bus late in the afternoon as I had a present to buy. The chilly weather was a good excuse to have a hot chocolate, as if any excuse is needed to have anything with chocolate in it.
Feeling cooler than 22°. sun in morning, rain later