Sunday 1 November 2015

Getting a Grip

Well, the number of posts to catch up with is getting ever longer, so I've decided to put you all out of your misery and cut to the chase here and now. I'll catch up with ancient history as and when. More for me than you, dear readers as I can't leave another hole in my life  .... the real one that's there is big enough.
So today ...... first of all, a meeting with Nicole to talk about the forthcoming women's group that she's helping me to launch. Had coffee at the bar and as it was so nice sitting by the fire that we decided to stay on for steak and chips.
The afternoon was spent preparing an apéritif dinatoire for Lone and Jesper, Danish friends. Had a very pleasant evening but didn't really sparkle as I was feeling tired.
18°, sun
Russian plane crashed over Sinai. All 200+ holiday makers and 7 crew died.

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