Saturday 19 March 2016

All Carnivalled Out

After several day's of rain at some point, today promised to be if not sunny, at least dry. No time to go to the market so I made a gentle before needing to be on parade for 10h30 to commemorate the Algerian war ceasefire. Polemic abounds even though it remembers civilian and dead on both sides of the conflict. This unglorious part of French colonial history remains a running sore
The Marsaillaise ended up being sung 3 times; once at the War Memorial, once at the inauguration of the new monument at the start of the Rue de 19 mars and once when two old soldiers were given medals for their service by our resident 4* general. An apéro, followed of course.
A quick lunch and then it was off for the carnival; this time on home turf. Lots of people out to watch or join in, lots of music and other noise, lots of people having fun in the streets and in the bars. There were a couple of Normans who joined us from our twin town which meant that there was some calvados to put a spring in our steps a well. And what do you know? ....... our float won the first prize of 500€!! While kids and parents were watching some children's theatre in the village hall, David and I headed to the bar for a welcome glass of beer. David (in kilt and sporting a sporran and skean dhu) had a forlorn hope of watching Ireland and Scotland play rugby but for once, the game didn't rule supreme. The hope of a win was a forlorn one as well.
Went back to the village hall in the evening to join the carnival group for a Catalan meal of boles de picolats and white beans. I didn't stop for the ball though and just came home; with a head that said I shouldn't have been tempted by the calvados at the end of the meal, I might add!Click for more photos
13°, cloudy, one brief sunny spell

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