Monday 7 March 2016

Keeping Busy Worked

Lazed around in bed for a while longer than usual remembering that Christian and I met on the 7th March, 29 years ago. So as not to get too down, I set off for the café and found Nicole there. Came home and busied myself with clearing out the cave thus ending up with a late lunch. Colin came around in the early afternoon to set up the wee box that will convert the tv signal after all the channels change to HD.
Tackled my Spanish homework which after a two week break was quite hard going. Then there was no need to cook dinner as I'd been invited to Nick and Kathy's for dinner. Kathy has done English language programmes for the World Service and now does the occasional "From our own correspondant" piece about French life. Funnily enough, her mother was once married to the "lord of the manor" in the village where Mum lives. Conversation was typically expat - tv, restaurants, music, renting property and other people.... and so by hopping from one activity to another, another of the 1st anniversaries passed.
13°, sun, cloud and strong winds overnight

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