Sunday 13 March 2016

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Continued in calm mode today with just a trip to the bar for coffee and lunch with Nicole S. Did some paper work and caught up with the blog.
14° Sun, litte drizzle later

Took the bus to go to the market and almost immediately bumped into Hortense so we had a coffee and catch up which left me just 20 minutes to get around the supermarket and back to the bus stop.
This afternoon the carnival group made it's second trip to Céret. Glad to say that it was warmer than last week and more fun though several of us remarked that the onlookers were too dignified (up themselves?!) to join in. And ... our float won the second prize of 350€ which made up for Le Boulou reclaiming the 150€ that we were given last week. Apparently, we lost it because we hadn't gone with the float. You can imagine that this caused a lot of muttering in the group - Her Majesty was not amused!
Gilles, Nany and myself came back  to the bar still in our costumes for a glass of beer. As the rugby was on, the joke was that I was a day ahead of myself. For non - fans France are playing Scotland tomorrow. (When you read this, you'll know that Scotland actually won).
I did change, however, to go to a musical evening in the village hall; luckily, in time to grab something to eat as in the bat of an eyelid all that was left were a few crumbs on the table. Left at the first interval to go home, put my feet up with only the sound of the telly for company. What bliss after a fairly hectic day.
14° Sun and less wind  

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