Friday 25 March 2016

Testing Times

25.3.16: Testing my Patience
Treated Jacques to a coffee at the bar as a thank you for getting me some mini Easter eggs to put out as part of our street decoration.
After lunch, worked on the association website, moving last year's reports to the archives which involved making new pages, creating new photo albums for our online gallery and changing loads and loads of links so that the click takes folk to the new page. Spent hours and hours and hours ending up with an aching back, stiff legs and sore eyes. Still, what else would I have done on a wet Good Friday after eating my bit of fish? Certainly not going to Perpignan to watch "La Sanch" which strikes me as grim and spooky. Although the link is to a French site, the photos give an idea what it's about and google can do the rest.
13°, cloudy, rain set in  in the afternoon for the rest of the day

24.3.16: Testing my French!
Thursday again. Language exchange again followed by soup at the bar again. Went straight from there to an association committee meeting then home to do some membership admin.
In the evening I went over to the Mairie to sit in on a Council meeting where there was a Belgian flag hanging from the table and a minute's silence at the start. The main agenda items where about a couple of new energy saving projects. The Opposition (3 out of 23 councillors) asked questions but otherwise didn't challenge anything. 
All agreed that the Maire should make a submission to the commission looking to choose a name for the new Region which amalgamates Languedoc-Roussillon (us) and the Midi Pyrénées (Toulouse). Of course, he wants a Catalan reference.
Jean-Jacques came back to mine afterwards for supper and to tell me all about his trip away visting family all around France. It also gave me the opportuntity to make sure that I'd understood what had gone on and what the acronyms were.
16°,blue skies 

23.3.16: Upmarket Avon Evening
Worked on the website for most of the day. In the evening with some reluctance, I went round to Lizzie's (no obligation to buy!) for Rianna's (a South African) presentation of Neil's Yard products. Why did I go? Out of solidarity with Lizzie (her husband Nick gives me lots of help with the Association website and my computer glitches) and Rianna who's a young (ish) Mum who's trying to find a way of making a living. Also thought I might find something nice to treat myself to. Well, that's how these things work, isn't it? I bought a mascara and eye pencil but found the skin products too expensive. There were 17 of us, overwhelmingly Brits (+ 2 French, one Danish) though hardly anyone else apart from Maggie, who's even more of a soft touch than me, bought anything. There was loads of chat fuelled by a few bottles of wine and I had showed willing which will let me off the hook for the rest of the year!
16°, blue skies

22.3.16: Apérobio
Easy going morning. Spanish in the afternoon and I felt like a kid when Paul told us that we'd got two weeks off. Well, two weeks to do a bit of revision everyday, says he. As if, says me!
In the evening there was our regular apéritif  and this time we were joined by Barbara who used to live here before returning to UK and her friend Olga. Once again some lovely bits and pieces and a couple of carafes of wine.
18°, cloud
Bombs at the airport and on the metro in Brussels resulting in 34 people dead.

21.3.16: First day of Spring
 Nothing special this morning unless of course you find going on the bus and back to the supermarket interesting.
This evening though, the women's group met. There were only 6 of us. Magda did a Qi Gong session and I did a "getting to know you" game which was a new idea for the rest. Was intresting but of course I won't be going into details here. Finished with a rum punch and nibbles.
17°, light cloud, blue skies greying later

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