Monday 28 March 2016

Easter Weekend

28.3.16: Eggstravaganza
Decided to make my legs do a bit more work by encouraging them to take me around the village after I'd had a coffee at the bar. Home for lunch and a stint in front of the computer; out again for another even longer walk and back for more computer stuff.
In the evening, I was joined by Jean-Jacques at the village hall for the Easter Omelette. Having collected about 400 eggs, they were a plenty. Now you know why I surprised you all with my exercise spurt!
15°, sun

27.3.16: Old Traditions and New Measures
Yes, yesterday was like a Scottish summer; the sun has given way to cloud today. The clocks went forward last night but with no obligation to get up and out, it didn't matter. Had a coffee in the bar where Eve had put a mini Easter egg on the side of the saucer. A nice wee touch and typical of her. Besides being a really nice person, she's a real asset to the business. The conversation was mostly about the presence of two gendarmes (one with a serious looking gun cradled in his arms) at the start of the street down to the church. They certainly weren't hunting Easter bunnies! Apparently, they'd checked all the cars in the square giving out fines where there was a contravention but it would seem that their presence was for surveillance and protection. All a bit unreal in this backwater but a consequence of  the country's state of "heightened alert", I suppose.
At the end of the Mass, a basket filled with stuff for the omelette was let down from the balcony to be blessed by the priest and yesterday's group sang a couple of songs. A couple of sardanes around the tree followed after I insisted on moving the crash barrier that was propped up against the wall which looked pretty ugly. As it was, they danced around bags and coats though there's not a pair of white high heels in sight.
Then it was a brisk walk over to Martine's for a traditional lunch of roast lamb and flageolet beans. Kate and Olivier from Barcelona were there as were Nany and André. We ate well, recited poetry, discussed a lot and even burst into song every so often!
Walked home and caught up with the blog.
16°, cloudy and damp
26.3.16: Singing for Your Supper
Oh, today really felt like spring or maybe a Scottish summer. The market was a buzz even though  schools aren't on holday here for a couple of weeks yet. Bumped into Thérèse and had a long chat over coffee then when I went to go and do a tour, I spotted Henri so I sat and waited with him until Michèle arrived when we had an apéritif. Down to the supermarket and home on the bus.
This afternoon I went over to the square, in short sleeves, I might add, to listen to the traditional "Goigs dels Ous". A small group of Catalans made their way around the village singing in front of the local shops and houses and were given ingredients for Monday's pascale omelette in return. Here they are outside the butcher's. Didn't follow them for very long prefering to go to the café for a cuppa. Well, it was that time of day.
As I sat on the terrace in the sun, Jean-Jacques passed by and stopped for a chat  but resisted the offer of a glass of wine and therefore, so did I.
Spent the evening going over the published version of the website and found that all kinds of mishaps had occured; missing photos, spacing errors and wrong links. Oh dear, sounds like Monday's going to be tedious.
18°, blue skies, warm and sunny

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