Sunday 6 March 2016

Another Day, A Cuppa and Another Carnival!

Oh dear! out for 8.15am was a bit much for a Sunday but duty called. There was a women's day "salon de thé" to be organised by the association on the square. There was a handful of male volunteers to do the serving but of course they needed organising. It was strange not to see Christian there in his kilt apron turning on the charm.
For the first time since it was sarted, the weather wasn't that kind to us. It was chilly but there were plenty of women to eat the cakes, drink the tea/coffee/hot chocolate and buy the raffle tickets. Needless to say, where there are cakes, there are a number of men around to eat them too. this photo caught the only moment I sat down in four hours.
Had a quick bowl of soup at the bar before setting off for this afternoon's carnival. There was a lot of hanging about and it was cold so after a quick beer at the end, I was really pleased to get home and put my feet up. Two down, two to go.
11°, chilly

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