Friday 18 March 2016

Music, Women and Rebellion

18.3.16: In Reflective Mood
A welcome obligation-free day or so I thought. Apart from coffee at the bar spent the day catching up with stuff and thinking about the Irish Easter Rising (well, there's an Irish Grandma in the background) which was 100 years ago thie Easter.
Apparently there's a film called "The Rising" that's due out and Liam Neeson's son will play James Connolly as his father did in the film of the same name, a few year's ago. Definitely, not Disney but one to go and see! There are many haunting rebel songs and here's the one that was played on Wednesday evening though how many people understood the significance is another thing.
Well, that's until a phone call from Nicole S. inviting me over a cup of tea. So, back to the present day even if the Irish songs were still buzzing around in my head on the walk over!
11° Damp, cloudy and chilly

17.3.16: Different Faces of Women
Language exchange where there was actually some discussion rather than chat. From trying to name the seven dwarfs we moved on to identifying ourseves with one of them. This led to quite a lot of unexpected sharing especially around "Bashful".  It led me on to thinking that it would make a good group game. Is the women's group ready for it?
Had a quick drink at the bar and then went over  to the restaurant with 7 others to give Sabrina a present for the new baby and of course to have lunch.
Felt really exhausted and cold so came home, filled a hotwater bottle and snuggled down on the settee under a tartan rug and slept for nearly 2 hours.
Feeling revived, I headed over to Christian's room for a show depicting women in song, poetry and prose, librally sprinkled with humour. An audience of about 30 including 6 men appreciated what was on offer from Jany and Bernadette. As usual, an apéritif and lots of chat followed.
The evening finished off with Jean and Françoise coming back for supper then it was straight to bed and to sleep.
10°, heavy cloud and rain

16.3.16: Wearing the Green
Had a headless - chicken day and seemed unable to make any decisions. I did  manage though, to pick myself up for the St Patrick's night in the bar. There was music, of course, plenty of craic and green galore. I couldn't help remembering (as did one or two others) how Christian had enjoyed himself last year and cut a dash in his leprechaun hat. It came out again this year; this time on my head instead of the rather unflattering green wig that I capered about in 12 months ago. There was also a full house in the dining room where we enjoyed a good, tasty home made meal of Dublin Coddle and a wonderfully rich Bailey's cheesecake. Every year it gets better; I was really chuffed when Jean-Louis reminded me that it was me who had encouraged him to celebrate St Pat's. So, instigating that along with Women's Day and St Jordi, I reckon I can feel pleased with my contribution to village life. Sorry for bragging!
11°, Cloud, rain and feeling chilly.

Met Nicole P for a coffee in the bar and was joined by Jean-Jacques for an apéro. He then treated us to lunch. Spanish this afternoon and a quiet evening.
13° sunshine, showers later.

Met two newcomers to the area who wanted to learn more about the association over a coffee. Started to get to grips with changing my health card and as you'll have realised by now, anything to do with bureaucracy aint simple with endless papers to supply; I've a frustrating time ahead of me.
15° cloudy, rain later

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