Sunday 20 March 2016

Resting on my Laurels

Woke up feeling lethargic and decided not to go to walk in Llansa with Françoise and Thérèse, opting to linger in bed instead. Anyway, it was drizzling and I didn't believe Françoise's assertion that on the other side of the border it was forecast to be dry. It wasn't a completely housebound day though as I went for my usual coffee. Those who arrived at the bar from church, came carrying large sprays of fresh bay leaves; a lot more impressive than the palms given out in British churches. Neither of the Nicoles showed up so it was just Martine and I en tête à tête.
Spent the afternoon resting; did nothing more energetic than organising photos until Françoise and Jean called in for a cuppa. By the way, Llansa didn't escape the rain either!
13°, rain

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