Sunday 29 October 2017

Cleanliness is next to ..... Boredom

29.10.17: Reluctant Cleaner
Neither of the Nicole's were at the café so there was just Anne, Martine and I who stayed on for lunch. The imminent arrival of visitors means a splurge on the cleaning and Martine refereed the debate I was having with myself  about whether I should do some today or leave it until tomorrow. Reluctantly but wisely, I took her advice. Ugh!
19°, sun and blue skies

28.10.17: Pottering Around
Took the bus to see Annette who's in a convalsence home and then another one into town to a bit of supermarket shopping. Came back loaded like the proverbial Catalan burro (donkey) but needs must; there are five more mouths to feed from the day after next.
Did some catching up with the blog in almost real time, had a long chat with Rowena who's back from China, watched tv and ate more chocolate than I should have.
20°, sun and light cloud

Friday 27 October 2017

Artistic Challenge

A day of domesticity and admin and then in the evening I went with Michel to a vernissage in Argelès. Sculptures in stone and paintings. There were at least 20 paintings like the one in the photo that were all in the same vein. They didn't do anything for me; the sculptures were a pleasure to touch but quite honestly, my artisic vocabularly is too limited for me to say anything else.
20°, sun

Thursday 26 October 2017


The family left at the end of the morning to go on to visit other family which left me with time to go over to the bar to meet the exchangers. It was a depleted group (often is at holiday periods). Home for a quick lunch and then a rendez-vous for a visit to a local chocolate maker. 13 of us squeezed into her workshop to listen, question and taste. They're not cheap but the strength of the raw chocolate means that you don't need much.
Purchases in hand, Nicole and I left the rest of the group who went off for a guided tourof the abbey; we went in search of a cup of tea and found one in Céret where we sat in the sun and watched the world go by. On returning to the village, we wanted to make the most of the sun before it disappeared, so stopped off at the bar for a glass of wine where Marie Christine and her bloke joined us. One glass only, if you're thinking that I'm getting into bad habits and then, it was home for a bite to eat and an evening in front of the telly.
21° sun

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Sharing Memory Lane

Had a lovely day out today with the family down on the coast in Spain. Started off in L'Escala and a brisk walk along the coastal path. Stopped of for a beer at the hotel where Christian and I spent our last St Valentine's together. A really beautiful spot. Refreshed, we set off again to continue our walk to St Martí where we had lunch in the square after a little walk around. It's hard to believe that the family despite their numerous visits had never been here. to say that they were enthusiastic about what they found would be an understatement.
Before walking back to L'Escala, the family headed for the beach; Tanguy even went in for a swim. Me, I found a bench where I could read more of "Outlander" even though I'm watching it on tv. So far, it's pretty true to the novel. I just can't get enough of it!
Stopped off in Capmany on the way home to buy cava which was as well, as Margaret called in after her language workshop and stayed for an apéro.
23°, blue skies

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Getting Together

The family went off for the day and I stayed home to make a cake for this evening's neighbourhood get-together. Settled on a marmalade cake as being something seasonal that would go with the soup and roasted chestnuts that were on the menu. There was also time to meet Nicole P to hear about her trip to Southern Spain, do a bit of admin and to put my feet up with a cuppa without feeling guilty as the place was spick and span.
The evening was a great success with lots of delicious soups to sample. Just look at the number of folk in short sleeves.
26°, blue sky

Sunday 22 October 2017

Bonjour à la Famille!

23.10.17: Making the most of the Muscles; Making the most of the Sun
First thing on the agenda was a trip to the rubbish dump with ever helpful Christophe and Jean. I did appreciate it but what a way to start the holidays. Treated them all to an apéritif at the bar out on the terrace and they in turn treated me to lunch. In the afternoon, they went off to the coast while I stayed home and did a bit of cooking.
20°, blue skies

22.10.17: Mop and Bucket at the Ready
Allowed myself a break from pushing the vacuum around, weilding a mop and flicking a duster to go and have coffee at the café. Not many of us; once again Nicole S was noticable by her absence. didn't linger too long as I to do some baking, Still, all that needed to be done was done by the time that Christophe, Valérie et al arrived from Normandy.
After all day in the car, once their bags were dropped in various bedrooms and a cup of tea was washed down with cookies straight from the oven, they were ready for a walk around the village in the late afternoon sun. Stopped off at the bar for an apéritif before coming home for dinner.
19°, blue sky and light cloud

Saturday 21 October 2017

Home Again

Strong winds had been forecast and one of the roads on the way to the airport was closed off we
assumed due to a tree across the road. Anyway, there was no problem with the flight taking off on time and my trusty tablet kept me entertained until we landed in warm, sunny France.
Ann and Terry were at the airport to meet me and kindly stopped off at the supermarket so that I could get some food in for the family's arrival tomorrow.
Spent a quiet evening as the next few days promise to be busy with 4 extra in the house.
13°in Birmingam, 24° here

Friday 20 October 2017

Time to say Goodbye

No grandchildren obligations for Jill today so she was able to come over to Mum's and spend the day with us. What a great bonus. We braved the chill wind and went back to the community café for lunch.
Had a quiet afternoon until Jean and John arrived to take me back to their house for the night. It's always sad to see Mum's face at the window as she waves a last goodbye until I reappear again. All being well that should be next Spring when Ryanair start flying again from Perpignan.
Stopped off at "The Bell" for dinner and I think it's slipped from the top of my must-go-to restaurant list. A "perfoming" waiter and group of singers through in the bar didn't help. We couldn't decide if their rendition of some 70's songs were spontaneous  or paid entertainment.  Oh dear, what a grump I am.
Oh, a stylish black coat from Jill and a cashmere cardigan and brand new polo top from Mum have found their way into my suitcase, along with a few other bits and pieces. So, I'm grumpy no more!

Thursday 19 October 2017

Sisters are doing it for Themselves

Jill and Mel gave me lift over to Mum's which was great as it was raining quite heavily. Much to Mum's delight there was a break in the miserable weather so we were able to walk down to the village café for lunch. It does simple fare but it was good and Mum was pleased to get out of the house.
Went back to Jill's on the bus and had just enough time to have a quick glass of cava before Mel and Alison arrived to pick us up to go for a curry with all the trimmings at "Café Chutney". A tasty, spicy curry and the company of lovely women. Two sisters out with two sisters. I had a great time and once again the realisation came of what I've missed over the years.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Shakespeare and Shops, Cava and Catch-up

A bit of a dismal morning in Stratford with mist and drizzle, few tourists or shoppers as you can see from this photo of Shakespeare's birth place.
How lucky we are here to have our bus journeys in the Pyrénéees Orientales for 1€ for people of all ages where ever they are from. Yes, Warwickshire pensioners travel free but the rest of us pay heavily; £5.10 to travel 10 miles from Jill's to Stratford. I'd been looking forward to a morning's shopping (that case still needs filling) but M and S was as disappointing as it was the last time I was there at Christmas. Only bought a pair of jeans. However, the lentil soup I had for lunch in-store was tasty and kept me going until it was time to get the bus back to Mum's for the afternoon.
Evenings at Jill's are taking on a pattern; a bite to eat, a bottle of cava and catch-up tv. And what's wrong with that?

Tuesday 17 October 2017

A Cup of Tea and a Bottle of Wine

Took the bus from Jill's to Mum's for lunch. In the afternoon, Christine took us over into Gloucestershire to a farmshop and tearoom. Lovely views which would have been even better when the sunflowers were in bloom. A good addition for wee trips out.  Affordable and home baking; what's not to like?
Returned to Jill's on the bus where an apéritif was waiting. Sipped and nibbled in a leisurely fashion before walking into the town for a bottle of wine and a bite to eat at the "Bower House". Previously a dress shop and separate gift and card shop, it's been expensively  refurbished and gentrified.Word was that it opened and then closed for the kitchen to be re-refurbished and then reopened under a new team. I was told that it was very expensive but I reckon it is on a par with "The Bell" and as yet not suffering from over popularity and being stretched too far.
Jill and I settled for two starters rather than a main course and they were delicious. The green bean salad was fresh and tangy and the shallot crumble melted in the mouth. Washed it down with a bottle of Côtes de Rhone which we topped off with another glass of red in "The George", just down the road. Some sister-time really is enjoyable and we've a lot of time to make up for; so, Jill's not getting out of a (longer?) visit next year.

Monday 16 October 2017

Taking it Easy

Chris and Rosie left this morning and Jill came over for a coffee; otherwise, we just sat around. Our main topic of conversation was the strange yellow light and very red sun caused by winds carrying sand coming up from North Africa. Couldn't capture it in all it's glory but I think that this photo has a certain charm. Just look at how full of berries, the holly tree is. Everywhere there was an abundance of berries; a sure sign, the old folk would say, that there will be a hard winter.
In the afternoon Mum and I went into town with Christine but she didn't have time to stay on for tea. Once they'd headed for home, I had a wander around looking at the charity shops which have sadly gone down hill. So, there was nothing to fill that big suitcase I'd brought with me.
Back at Jill's, we stayed in watching tv, chatting and sharing a box of chocolates and a bottle of cava. The simple pleasures are the best.
20°, sun

Sunday 15 October 2017

Hello, Little One

There was no early morning sunshine; Birmingham awoke to drizzle. Can't complain as by the time we'd had breakfast and reloaded the car, it had stopped and then by the time we neared journey's end, the sun had come out.
We stopped off a"The Bell" for lunch. Normally, it's a favourite of mine but not having booked, we were stuck in a back room with a group of young folk who, from their conversation about polo, travel and university, were obviously from very priviledged backgrounds. Could feel my hackles rising and to make matters worse, it seems that prices have taken a hike; no doubt to keep the riff raff away.
Still, today wasn't a day to be grumpy as it was my new great neice's christening. A church affair with a tea to follow. All the family were there including my brother and sister-in-law from Wales. Glad to say that despite a couple of people being there who could have upset the apple cart, those concerned put their feelings to one side so as not to spoil the day. It's so much easier when there's a dignified avoidance rather than sniping or black looks across the room. Family relations are a mine field, are they not?
Amazingly, I haven't a photo of the star of the show, a bonnie wee thing but here's a lovely one of her Mum (right), Gran (centre) and Aunt (left).
Once back at Mum's, Rosie and I walked the dog around the village and left Chris to rest. What a laugh we had when on returning we found Chris had helped himself to an aperitif. He complained that the ginger ale that he'd found was flat! Not surprising as it had a best before date of 2002!!! Proof, as if we needed it that Mum is no drinker. Rosie and I played it safe and settled for a Baileys.

Saturday 14 October 2017

Resolving to do Better

Finally, it's the 27th October and I've a moment to start tapping the keyboard again. Back posts will have to wait until at least the Christmas break by which time, I'll be wondering why I'm bothering. But ... you know me ... OCD tendenacies won't let me leave any gaps that would upset my sense of order.
So here's what I was up to a couple of weeks ago a neat place to start my catch up as I was off to UK for a week
My Ryanair flight had been postponed from last Tuesday as French air traffic control were on strike in protest at the Governement's labour "reforms".
Spent the morning doing last minute admin for the association, getting it's web site up to date, clearing the fridge and unable to put it off any longer, packing the case that was to go in the hold. The privelge for which, I paid twice as much as for my flight!
Nicole P, ever helpful, gave me a lift to the airport and after an uneventful flight, Mary was at the other end to meet me.
What a surprise; after leaving a misty Perpignan, the sun was shining that lovely golden autumnal colour and it even felt warm.We spent a relaxing evening drinking cava, having dinner and chatting. Off to a good start, I reckon.
18°, sunny

Friday 13 October 2017

Here We Go Again!

Heavens! How time marches or should I say gallops on, at great speed so I thought I'd better let you know again that all's well. My German visitors were fun to have in the house. Laid back and happy to go with the flow. Direk threw me into a bit of a panic though when he told me that he'd been a chef for 34 years! The week was exhausting but entertaining and the music was a delight to listen to. Inez, the musician of the couple, gave me their latest cd and if you fancy a listen, follow the link to hear one or two clips. No9 gives me goose bumps. It also includes 3 sardanes, one of which was composed by the group leader. I'm thinking that traditional Catalan dance melodies played by Germans is a reminder that respect for other cultures still exists bringing pleasure to many.
The weather perked up after this photo was taken and has been warm and sunny since.
Of course, the main news is the Independance referendum in Catalunya and the stand off between Barcelona and Madrid which is leaving us wondering how on earth it's all going to end.
Now I have to prepare for visits from the family who will be arriving for the half term holidays so the blog will be on hold yet again. Still, there are those long winter nights ahead so, maybe I'll get around to catching up then . In the meantime keep well all of you and à bientôt! Rx
22°, sun and clear, blue skiescata