Thursday 30 November 2017

Winter's Here

30.11.17: Cold Feet and Red Noses
Oh my, god, what brave souls we are. It was so cold this morning making our attendance at the market with our accessories stand for the Téléthon a real act of penance. Things kept blowing away because of the wind; at one point some of the jewellery on the easle blew into the canal. The grid was too narrow to get your hand down and too heavy to lift, so yours truly went on her hands and knees armed with fire tongs to fish the stuff out. No easy task, I might add but probably a bit of a laugh for the onlookers. We make 60€ and the hot chocolate was a bit of recompense. As, indeed was the bowl of chips that I shared with Ann and Terry afterwards.
Attacked the cleaning when I came home thus by the time I sat down for my pot of tea, the place was looking better and I was feeling less ashamed.
9°, sun, cold wind

29.11.17: Boring Day
Got up later than usual, contemplated the need to clean up the white cement dust left after the work and did some furniture moving before taking the bus to Perpignan for a rendez-vous. Continued the furniture moving this evening in my head meaning I didn't get to sleep until after 3am. Don't even know why I'm bothering to record such a dull, uninteresting day but there you are, OCD kicks in.
13°, sun, feeling a lot chillier

28.11.17: A Place in the Sun
Took the bus to Perpignan with Lynn and Ann and had another a goodly walk which took us from the bus station to the centre of town. Can't be too smug about it as we stopped halfway at La Rotunde for a hot chocolate served by really nice staff.
Visited the two new chic indoor food markets, "Les Halles Vauban" and the "Carré Arago"
Wandered through the old town without doing any shopping, essentially, to find somewhere to eat. Finally settled on "Déclic" on the Place de la République where we were able to soak up the sun and marvel that the end of November could be so warm.
Had tea in the Café Catalogne on the way back and found that the proprietor, who recognised me, is the daughter of a woman from the village. Nice place; seems tripadvisor crtics are in agreement, so will have to try a lunch there sometime.
This evening as there wasn't a meeting at the Mairie, JJ entertained me rather than vice versa. Pizza and of all things, a bottle of champagne even though there was nothing special to celebrate.
There were celebrations, however, in the bar where Kevin was celebrating his birthday by playing music with another guitarist. Have just googleded him and while he gives the impression of being an ageing rock star, apparently he is. Would seem also that he's an ageing rock star who muddles his which with his witch (biography page). Should I point it out to him? Would he even care?
Sat with a group of Brits who were there to eat and listen and who had already been enviegled into buying his new cd. Had to laugh when I looked around and wondered what a Martian looking down at us would make of such an incongruous staid looking lot of pensioners. Don't include myself in this description, of course.
Once the group had left for home, I stayed on talking about films, music and life with Jacques, the patrons and Jean-Vincent, the other guitarist. Called it a day at 1am.
16°, but feeling warmer under the blue skies

27.11.17: This, That and Not Much Else
Committee meeting at 9am followed by a coffee at the bar with Nicole who had just been initiated in the delights of Association business.
Dominique, my neighbour came by to see about sticking down my loose tiles; or rather I should say tiles on the stairs as I don't think I'm not that far gone yet! Went into theirs for a cuppa and catch up.
Spent the rest of the day doing nothing other than this and that.
13°, sun

26.11.17: Blowin' in the Wind
Usual Sunday trip to the bar this morning where we were a bit thin on the ground even though Françoise had come over for coffee.
Then there was a very windy walk over to Flo's for lunch; no complaints, the exercise  did me good. Nicole S arrived a bit later. Curry and discussion were on the menu after which with the wind even stronger, I was pleased to accept Nicole's offer of a lift back. A quick pause at home and then I walked across the square for a Gospel concert in "Christian's room".
Had a wine at the bar afterwards before another night in front of the tv.
11°, blue sky, strong wind

Saturday 25 November 2017

The Weekend is Here

25.11.17: Putting Things in Perspective
Zoomed into town, zipped around and caught the bus back to the village all in less than an hour. Joined Nicole for a coffee at the bar and then it was home to catch up on the blog. Doing better but I can't get too complaisant though as I'm not sure how long it will last.
Other computer stuff, soup making and nothing else except .......; you can fill in the space without my help
Mundane as all this is, I can hardly complain about my life when I'm safe and have a roof over my head.  Today is the UN designated day to eliminate violence against women and girls. The facts are grim.
15°, cloudy start, sun breaking through

Friday 24 November 2017

Developing Square Eyes

24.11.17: At last, a Bit of Fun
Was spared sorting and other chores today as my time was taken up with organising the apéritif after the association's boules competition and then joining the players for lunch at the bar. Nico, the chef is on holiday so Eve was cooking for 22 of us and very well she did too. There was a good atmosphere and no complaints.
Later on I went for a long over due hair cut which was a boost. Whilst there, I was able to reassure Jennifer that I'd be staying loyal and not going to the new salon that's opening soon in the old mini mart. Honestly, it doesn't seem to make much sense because as well as Jennifer, there are two mobile hairdressers and Spain where prices are much cheaper close by.
Spent the evening as I spend every other evening these days.
16°, cloudy start, sun later

23.11.17: Unexciting or what?
Language exchange, tea and a glass of wine at the bar, more accessory sorting, more tv.
17°, blue sky

22.11.17: People in Glass Houses ....
More leaves to collect, a bit of cooking, and a bit of sorting. If you've seel the post of 17th October, you'll remember that we laughed at Mum's open bottle of dry ginger dated 2002. Apparently there's a hoarding gene that runs in the family; cleaning out the top cupboard I came across flavoured oils and vinegars dating from the same time!
Spent the afternoon  more sorting the accessories that we've been given for our Téléthon stand. A few nice bits and pieces along with some absolute .... that went straight into the rubbish pile. It never ceases to amaze what people think others would be happy to buy.
Finished off the "Acquitted" box set this evening. A Norwegian crime drama portraying dysfunctional characters from dysfunctional families living in a dysfunctional town where surprisingly for Norway, it didn't seem to rain very much!
17°, sun and blue sky

21.11.17: Passing Time
Cleaning, a welcome coffee with Nicole and so passed the morning.
Supermarket shopping, pansy buying at a local nursery with Maggie, planting up, association admin and so passed the afternoon.
TV watching and so passed the evening. Nothing new there!
20°, cloudless blue sky

Monday 20 November 2017

A Quiet Start to the Week

20.11.17: Autumn Leaves
Was hijacked by Terry on my way back from a short walk. He was on his way to mine to invite me to join him and Ann at the café for a coffee; funny as I was on my way there myself for a cuppa. Now there's a surprise.
Spent some of the afternoon cleaning up the leaves over the road in between watching episodes of "Aquitted", another addictive Scandi crime series.
This evening I caught up with the blog and the tv that I missed while entertaining.
20°, blue sky and some light cloud

Sunday 19 November 2017

Entertaining Friends

19.11.17: Supporting the Téléthon
It was lovely to linger in bed, with one ear on the French news whilst reading the paper and eating my breakfast.
Made it over to the square where mint tea and North African pastries were being served in aid of the Téléthon. Jean and Françoise came over as did their daughter and her family. It seemed only right that we patronised the café too as on any other Sunday , so Françoise and I took our pastries inside and bought something to drink. We were joined by Nicole P and Flo therefore, this Sunday felt more like old times. There's been no news from the other Nicole so I guess she's decided to write us off.
Had lunch at home and prepared some canapés until it was time to go up to the village hall for a concert in aid of the Téléthon. Two flutes and a piano envelopped us in lovely music composed by Fauré, Delibes. Offenbach, Schubert, Bizet, Scott Joplin and Chopin among others.
Our spirits replenished, it was time to do the same for our stomachs. Jean, Françoise and JJ came back to mine which made a pleasant change from watching the tv!
18°, sun and light cloud

18.11.17: No Worries for Nigella
I won't go into detail as I know that you won't be any more interested in my day of doing chores (cleaning out the stove, general cleaning, cooking) than I was. Had just the canapés to do and was about to make a pot of tea when Nicole called with her pushchair-sized granchild to say "hello". A welcome break that didn't knock my schedule our of kilter.
Managed to entertain and serve Terry, Ann, Maggie and Trevor without stressing too much. Haven't been doing very well with taking photos of late and today was no exception. Sorry
18°, sunny

Friday 17 November 2017

Need to Get a Life?

17.11.17: Energised by the Sun
Took the bus into town for a quick whizz around the supermarket as I'm doing dinner for five of us tomorrow evening but before that I bumped into Françoise. Made time for a coffee together which meant that my whizz was even faster than I'd anticipated. I'd forgotten how slowly the queue in this particular supermarket moves. Dropped the shopping off at home and went for a cuppa; I was the only client in the café so sat and chatted with Eve, the patron and leant that another hairdresser's is opening up. That we don't need.
Did some hard prunning this afternoon but there were some trees that will need more force than I can muster so that's for another week.
Maggie called by to collect a paper which I'd printed off for her but didn't stay for tea even though I'd just made a pot. Bet you can't guess how I spent the evening? Yes, more small screen.
21° !!! warm and sunny

16.11.17: Another View, Another Sunset
Language exchange, tea, then a glass of wine over which I lingered quite a long time with Ann, Terry and Nicole P.
Walked over to see Martine who's recovering from an operation and had tea and a good catch-up. The sunset on the walk home was absolutely stunning. I'm sure that you'll appreciate the change of view as I did. Home to make soup and watch more tv.
17°, sun

15.11.17: Guest Appearance
A bit of a later start that was interrupted by a call from Françoise to come to our room where she was in the process of giving her French conversation workshop. She wanted to talk about something and nothing but a cup of coffee and an invitation to join the group was on offer. Stayed for an enjoyable half an hour.
Next door jam making for the Téléthon was in full swing; apparently, 830 pots of watermelon and citrus fruit was the splendid result.
Brought the blog up to date in the afternoon and then went to set up the welcome apéritif for new members. All went extremely well with a great bit of mixing and mingling which didn't go on past 8.30pm. This left time to watch "Free Men" a film that gives an interesting slant on the Muslim community's contribution to the Resistance effort in wartime Paris.
19°, sunny

14.11.17: Long Time, No See
It's ages since I've seen Hortense so it was great to catch up with her over coffee and have a laugh. Was offered a lift while waiting for the bus and Hortense gave me a lift back. Not driving is a bit of a pain and no doubt the time will come when I need to look to move to a smaller house somewhere bigger with more services but I'm not there yet.
Spent all afternoon doing the website and all evening watching tv.
14° sunny

13.11.17: Looking to Increase Takings
Did the shopping for the apéritif that I'm organising for new members and then called in at the bar for a cuppa.
This afternoon made a start on updating the association website .
The first acoustic guitar evening was launched at the bar this evening. 9 of the 11 folk who ordered up food were Brits; is it any wonder that we always receive a warm welcome?
Left at about 9.30pm; yes, you've guessed it, to watch telly. Sad or what?
11° blue sky and extremely strong winds

Sunday 12 November 2017

Weekend in the Village

12.11.17: Faithful Few
The non-church brigade were very thin on the ground again for coffee this morning. It's not the same sitting inside as being out on the terrace; maybe that's why. Even so, I'll keep going. What else would I do on Sunday morning?
The Maire and his wife came in around midday and we had an apéritif together; then I came home for lunch, do some Association admin and watch some telly.
All in all, this sunset was the highlight of the day. stunning, isn't it?
20°, sun, blue sky

11.11.17: Poppies and Cornflowers
Sadly for French workers, Armistice day, which is a public holiday, fell this year on a Saturday. Surprisingly, even though the Unions were strong in the past, there's no day off in lieu when a public holiday falls at a weekend.
Old soldiers wearing medals, school children and the general public wearing symbols of remembrance (in France it's a cornflower) gathered on the square ready for the off..
We followed the brass band up to the War Memorial and listened to the Mayor talk of the Catalan brigade's contribution to the 2WW effort. Unsurprisingly, he drew parallels with the need to support democracy and resist fascism today as in the past. I've asked to get a copy of his speech as I know there will be one or two of you who'll be interested to read it.
Followed the band back to the Mairie for the apéritif and then toddled over to the bar where I found the British contingent (well, the 5 who'd turned out) having a coffee. Gave a nod to the public holiday by ordering up an apéritif.
Entertained Flo, a new member, to tea and chat about the association. Of course, we ranged farther than that, moving on to women's issues, politics and travel. We found a lot of common ground so expect to hear more about her in future posts.
Watched "Victoria and Abdul" cosied up by the stove and did nothing much else.
18°, blue sky, lighter winds

Friday 10 November 2017

Blowin' in the Wind

10.11.17: A Reservoir of Talent
Made an iced ginger cake to sell at this evening's Karaoké in the aid of the Téléthon. Treated Nicole to lunch at "Le France" by way of a thank you for taking me to the airport the other week. In the evening I attended a vernissage which due to a lack of publicity was extremely poorly attended. Rather, I should say embarrassingly poorly attended. Was a shame as the black and white paintings of jazz artists and three sculptures, demonstrated that the young Belgian artist deserved the awards she's received as a new talent.
Next, it was off to the village hall to listen (not sing) to the kataoké, a first ever in the village. I was pleased for the organisers who'd put a lot of effort into it, that it was a big success. They made over 1,450€. And ..... there was lots of interesting finger food to sample.
15°, sun, strong wind

9.11.17: Food for Thought
Language exchange, cuppa at the bar, impromptu lunch at Jacques' and the ciné club in the evening to see "Summer 1993," a film by a Catalan director. Luckily there were French subtitles.
13° sun, chilly wind

8.11.17: Testing my Grasp of French and Local Knowleddge
Spent a good part of the day doing stuff on the computer for other people. The most tedious of which was correcting a CV.
In the evening I went to the presentation and signing of a book on the history of Céret written by the ex curé. Interesting but not being from here, the names of some of the old families and place names were lost on me.
14° sunshine, chilly

7.11.17: À la Maison
A day doing chores and preparing an apéritif dinatoire for Jean-Jacques who's back from his trip zig-zagging France.
14°, blue skies, no wind

6.11.17: Well done, Mum!
Mum's birthday today and she's still living in her own home and going strong. This year she's made some advances by going for a wee walk most days and even more astoundingly, taking herself every now and again to the Community café for lunch.
After speaking to her and getting to chat to Mary who was down from Birmingham to take her to lunch, I had a coffee with Nicole and passed the rest of the day doing Association "admin" before going for the monthly apéritif with two of the three other British women who make up the group.
12°, blue skies and ferocious winds

Sunday 5 November 2017

Anti climax after all the Recent Buzz

5.11.17: Going Solo
There were about six of us around the table for coffee this morning though none of my usual pals were there. The church brigade left quite early as they were all going to the Sardane Association lunch in the foyer. Didn't feel like beating a retreat so stayed on for a white wine and was rewarded by the appearance of Margaret.
Home for lunch then down to the recreation ground to have a walk around the car boot sale. Shouldn't have bothered. Came home and brought the blog up to date; now there's only several weeks of back posts to do.
17°, sun and stong winds

4.11.17: Winding Down
My Parisian family left on time at 7am to do the long drive in front of them. These few days have passed very quickly but it's great that they are so willing to make the journey south and keep the contact going. Evenings chatting around the dinner table were a pleasure (as was the bottle of cava at apéritif time) that I feel I should make more effort to invite friends to share food with me.
Went to the market with Michel and met Françoise for coffee then came home and spent the rest of the day quietly.
20°, sun

Friday 3 November 2017

Full House

3.11.17: A "bity" Kind of Day.
Frank and Stéphanie combined a wee trip out with buying a stock of wood pellets for the stove which will see me set for about three months. I stayed home while Sauveur finally came to finish a few bits and pieces and take away the huge ladder that's been propped against the wall for so long that it was growing roots. Did a fair bit of stuff for the Association, watched the last episode of the really interesting series about the Vietnam war. Echos of which apply today; false news, no exit strategy, cover ups and waste of life. Hegel was right. "the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history".
In the evening Frank, Stéphanie and I went around to Michel's for an apéritif then back home we had dinner and an early night as my visitors are setting off early tomorrow morning.

2.11.17: Spanish and Indian Flavours
While the family were out for the day, I had a cuppa at the bar with the exchangers and prepared tapas for this evening which included some flapjacks so that we could finish on a sweet note.
Our guests (Jean, Françoise and Michel) were gone by 10pm so we watched the 2nd Best Exotic Marigold Hotel which was 2nd best in every respect. 
18°, sun
1.11.17: Somber Day, Cheery Evening
The family went off to Perpignan so I had another day to myself. Apart from Linde calling around briefly, I spent the time quietly. Today is Toussaint or "All Saints". It's the public holiday when families visit the graves of their loved ones to replace the dead flowers, dust the plastic ones and pull up the weeds.
Watched a fair bit of tv and was not happy that "George Gently" was bumped off; then Elvis in "Our Girl" was blown up. Who's next? Will Matt Crawford (Archers) recover?
Frank and Stéphanie prepared a tasty bacon risotto for dinner which we followed with "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" in front of the cosy glow of the stove. At least that brought a few laughs to go to bed on.
19°, sun and light cloud

31.10.17: Trick or Spell
The family went out for the day which left me free to meet with Nicole S for a coffee. It was fine but she literally remained tight lipped when I asked her if she was going to come back to the café on a Sunday morning. So, the mystery of who or what has upset her remains unsolved.
Baked my usual Christmas cake (Delia's Creole Xmas cake) which gave off the most evocative smells. Well, fruit steeped in a variety of alcohol for a week and mixed spices would, wouldn't it?
This evening we inaugurated the stove; not that we really needed it as I spent the whole evening running up and down the stairs to give sweets to a stream of children who threaten to put a spell on you if you don't hand over a treat. Glad to say that I had just enough and consequently am still hale and hearty!
18°, sun

30.10.17: Ever Reluctant Cleaner
Got stuck into some cleaning, some baking and took a break to have coffee which became an apéritif with Nicole. Imagine my embarassment when Ann, who was going to do the supermarket shopping that I couldn't carry, stopped by.
Frank and family arrived on schedule after their long drive from Paris. Spent a quiet night in.
18°, sun and light cloud