Sunday 28 July 2013

Balmy Breezes

Started the day by attacking the giant courgette that Joséphine gave us from her garden. Courgette and Chorizo Soup (made up), Mediterranean Vegetables in a Thai curry sauce (made up) and Courgette Dip found on  It had soy sauce in it and sugar. Next time I'll reduce drastically or leave out the sugar but it was unusual and delicious. Went over to the bar for a change of scene and met up with Nancy then Robert and his neighbour Alain.
I spent the afternoon catching up with the blog while Christian snoozed. Too hot to do anything else. Robert came around for a drink and "pica-pica" which included the dip. By the time we were ready to go over to the bar for the music, the bowl was empty.
The group playing are very popular and there was a great amosphere on the terrace  where we were joined by Jean-Jacques and with a bit of breeze we enjoyed a couple of glasses of rosé in the cool of the evening.

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