Saturday 13 July 2013

Fiesta Time

Day two of the fiesta and Joséphine took Elsa to see young bullocks run through the Streets kept up together by horsemen from the Camargue and pusued by "young bloods" from around and about. Joséphine's dance group was scheduled to dance in front of the arena before the bullfight; another non-p.c. event. However, it rained and the dancing was abandoned.
Meanwhile, we had a slow start to the day, having a soft drink at the bar before joining Jacques and his friends for a barbeque on his upstairs terrace. There were 11 of us altogether including 5 people from Galliac that he'd made friends with at a previous fiesta. They certainly were a lively crowd and dead nice with it. We ate well (snails à la catalane) to start and sampled wine from Gaillac. By the time that we arrived home about 7pm, Elsa was home and we all gave the evening meal a miss. There's an early start tomorrow so no late night for us.

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