Wednesday 10 July 2013

Picturesque Views

Another hot day and once the sun screen was applied we hit the road with the roof down and Elsa in the back of the car. Today's destination was Banyoles where it was market day. Had a pleasant wander around and then lunch overlooking the lake. Ate in La Carpa which we felt didn't merit some of the damming reviews that have appeared recently on Tripadvisor. The service was very pleasant and not "disaterous" and the food was better than "mediocre". At  12€ for 3 courses including wine ....?? While Christian had a siesta (above), Elsa and I walked up to the lovely little church which dates from the 11th century. The metal door in the photo below is actually a fountain which has the water coming out of the handle. Once we'd roused Christian from his sweet dreams we climbed back into the car and went off for a walk around the picturesque village of Besalu. This of course was hot work so a cold drink in a pleasant garden was just the ticket.

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