Thursday 4 July 2013

Happy Inner Child

The Prseident of the Association was away again as was the Treasurer, so with nothing urgent on the agenda, the committee meeting this morning was cancelled. The language exchange still went ahead though and this week I stayed on. Christian joined us at the bar for the usual glass of rosé before lunch at the restaurant. This week Anne joined us as a "thank you" for her help with my Spanish. Lunch was excellent and the terrace was full with a large group who were on their way from A to B.
In the evening we wandered  up to the local chapel for some Romanian folk tales told to music (guitar and accordian). The tales were recounted in French with bits of Romanian thrown in and ironically, the guitarist kicked off his warm up with "Only the Lonely"; most appropriate as the only spectator in the audience who wasn't a friend was me. Christian came for 10 minutes (it had been his idea to go and represent the Mairie) but as it all seemed a bit disorganised, he didn't stay. I'm glad I did, as the storyteller was captivating.

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