Monday 1 July 2013

Music Al Fresco

Today saw the first day of our new bid to take a bit more exercise; me on the treadmill for half an hour (need to break myself in gently) and Christian going for a walk. All before breakfast.
Anne came for my final Spanish session before the long summer break and I was worse than ever. Hopefully, revising "Coffee Break Spanish" while I sweat away, will keep me going over the hols. "Early days", says a little voice in my head.
This evening we were out for Linde's belated birthday celebration. Her kids and their families are over from the States and they'd organised a musician to come from Aix-en-Provence to play. Yan Yalego plays the ukele (as does, Linde's son) and the kazoo and is internationally know in ukele circles. You can listen to his music (mostly 1920's blues) on YouTube. Rest assured, he's nothing like George Formby. There's another trip on the internet for those of you non-Brits under 50 reading this post who are completely mistified by the refeerence. Laurent and Linde's son also played though Michel, who brought his guitar, didn't
Of course there were good things to eat, buffet style and the wine was plentiful out in Kathy's garden that had been lent for the occasion. Only downside .... 3 bites around the ankle but hey, who said it was a perfect world?

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