Wednesday 3 July 2013

Curiosity Satisfied

There's a new shopping centre that was opened a couple of months ago, so when Rowena phoned yesterday and suggested going  there, I thought "why not". I needed to know first hand what people have been talking about. It was spacious with lots of leather settees dotted around for people with weary feets. There were bargains to be had but sizewise, no luck and I came away empty handed. As a shopping experience we both decided that we'll stick to Figueres. In fairness, I guess that it would be ok for a rainy day and there was a nice rooftop café/bar.
We didn't eat on site saying "no" to another huge all - you - can - eat buffet and "no" to an overpriced Italian. Instead we drove up towards the mountains and went to a café/bar/social centre for their set menu (16€ all in). This kind of establishment is a tradition in Catalan villages and this one is housed in a building over 100 years old. It was a favourite of our deceased anarchist friend José, who, if you've been following the blog, you'll know I've mentioned several times before. For some reason we've never been but always wondered about it. Our young waitress was charming and tried out a few words in French and English; the older woman in charge was very stylish under her black apron. Quite a surprise for such a simple place.
Meanwhile Christian cooked an omelette and did a chicory and walnut salad for his lunch guest, Jean-Jacques. Wonder when my turn will come???

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