Sunday 14 July 2013

Pour la Patrie!

On the road for 8.30am to travel the 10kms up into the mountains for the first of the commune's Bastille Day cérémonies. Early as it was, the sun was warm. As usual, there were refreshments in the local restaurant before driving back to the village for an action replay. Now, it wasn't just warm, it was hot and Maggie and I opted to stay with the Mayor's wife and have a cold drink at the bar rather than march up to the war mémorial. We did however, go over to the Mairie for the speeches and presentation of medals and certificates for long serving fire officers and people who have contributed to village life. A British friend remarked, "only the French could give reconition to the local goat's cheesemaker! You may be wondering about an abundance of
European flags as well as the French Tricolour. something that didn't find favour with a lot of people.This was a decision of the Mayor who fearing the rise of the National Front used his speech to stress the importance of Europe.
After another apéritif we headed over to Michel's for a pasta lunch. On the way home Christian stopped off at the bar where he stayed celebrating France's national day. Frank, Stéphanie and the two younger kids arrived after a long hot drive. Had a BBQ on the terrace and were joined by Jean-Marie and his new partner. Finished the day in the usual manner with a superb firework display.

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