Tuesday 2 July 2013


Christian had a day off from the Mairie so we planned a day out. We needed to stock up on cava for the summer and there was a new restaurant to try out. Started the day with some exercise and then rolled back the hood on the car and set off under sunny skies.
Mission accomplished at the wine cave, then coffee at the local social centre/café/bar in a nearby village.
We found the restaurant with the help of our trusty GPS and were more than pleased with the setting and the stylish meal that we had. After a little siesta in the car, under the shade of a tree, we made it home in time for Christian to go to a meeting at the mairie. So he  didn't actually have a complete break. C'est la vie!


  1. Anonymous12 July, 2013

    looks amazing

  2. It's now on our gastronomic trail of Catalunya
