Friday 12 July 2013

Sizzling Temeratures

Today, was far more interesting, however. Firstly a walk up through the woods with Elsa before it got too hot. She had great fun (trying) to take photos of butterflies that were of course, forever on the move. We were out for over 2 hours and were more than pleased when the bar finally came into view. A long cool drink by the fountain helped as we were both feeling pretty sticky by this point.
Temperatures continue above 30°, so a vernissage in the air - conditioned Mairie allowed us to linger over the apéritif and chat. The expo itself , which wasn't very well attended was pretty ordinary and the artist more like a car salesman in manner than anything else.
Ended the day by going to the restaurant with Michel for a plate of tapas followed by icecream at his house. On the way home we were hijacked by Jacques and his friends and whipped off to a local fiesta which started tonight and goes on until Sunday. Bars, dancing in the streets and lots of good humour. Finally made it to bed at 4am!! Is that anyway for grandparents to behave?

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