Thursday 12 June 2014

Difficult Times

Went to the language exchange this morning while Christian went back to bed after breakfast. Did some supermarket shopping with Maggie then came back to the bar for an omelette. Five of our visitors have gone.
32°, cloud in the evening, thunder but no rain

We both went to Dylan's funeral in the church which was overflowing. I don't think that the priest will have ever had so many young people in his congregation.
30°, not a breath of wind to make it more bearable

  • Isis, a Sunni Muslim group making serious inroads into Iraq
  • Demonstrations in Brasil against the cost of hosting the World Cup
The other five visitors arrived last night but we don't actually see anything of them. Today's carrot to get Christian to walk was a glass of rosé at the bar. Sadly, I don't think that he really enjoyed it.
28°, sunny

  • With minute by minute tv coverage, The Blues arrived in Brasil. Fans heard how they entertained themselves on the flight; now that really is of great import. More telling though was their lack of acknowledgement of the waiting fans. Some were not best pleased, others made allowances as they must be tired after the flight! Can't have heard the report about them listening to music, watching films and playing cards? I hope for France they don't behave as shamefully as the 2010 team did in South Africa. Don't worry, you're not going to get a footie blow by blow account.
Woke up to find that two of our visitors had let themselves in last night after we'd gone to bed! They didn't stay for breakfast, prefering to join family which we found quite understandable. Christian managed to walk over to the bar for a coffee but it was easy to see that it was a real effort.
Today there was another accident as Gereldine who had organised the Bluegrass weekend, hit a wall on her way home. Car was a write off but fortunately her injuries weren't too serious.
It was Whit Monday and with no Mairie to go to, we knew that it would be a long day for Jean-Jacques so we invited him around for an apéritif in the evening. No need to worry; he lives within walking distance.
27° but it seemed hotter
With minute to minute tv coverage, the French football team, flew off to Brazil for the World Cup 

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