Wednesday 18 June 2014

Playing Ping Pong

André had said that he would call and see Christian today but with all his commitments he didn't make it. I went into the local clinic to see Annette, then whizzed around the supermarket before getting a lift back to the village with Maggie who'd been to the physio.
Christian finally got hold of the cardio and if the GP wants him to see him before the 27 July, he needs to phone him and explain why! Apérobio this evening but I was too distracted by Christian's miserable situation to fully enjoy it.
25°, rain in afternoon 

Went for a coffee in the morning.  
Christian telephoned the Cardio this afternoon for an appointment but his surgery was closed until the next day. 
Accident no3 happened; this time it was Nany who ended up in the clinic but was unscathed apart from some bruising.  
There was an Association meeting this evening to discuss the language workshops and found that there was another one afterwards to discuss the way that things were going. Apparently, I was expected to contribute but no one had invited me! A Freudian slip maybe? Anyway, Jean-Jacques and Michel were expected for an apéritif after their meeting at the Mairie. So, no need to feel guilty about leaving the committee to it.

Christian's GP  was clearly worried by his state of health and couldn't understand why the cardio wasn't doing anything.  He tried to phone but there was no reply so said he'd try again tomorrow. In the meantime he gave Christian a letter to give the cardio when he sees him. Feels like being in the middle of a game of ping pong.

Stayed at home all day and worked on the blog. Coughing a lot and with badly swollen feet, Christian just rested.

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