Saturday 21 June 2014

Eating Out

We had been invited to Marsiam's "Opening" this morning but it was hot and we knew that Christian wouldn't be able to walk the distance from the carpark, so didn't go. He did manage, however, to make it to the bar where we had a coffee.
In the evening the village celebrated la "fête de la musique "in the village square. The Brits were the mainstay of the concert which included all kinds of different music. Maybe I should qualify that; there was nothing after the 1950's. No Beatles, no Stones, no Abba, no reggae, no etc. The bar, the restaurant and the butcher who did a paella, sausage and chips filled the tables in the square which was good for village life and commerce. We (ie, David, Laura, Martine, Kate and Olivier) opted for the restaurant which did a plate of tapas and pud. Just as well it wasn't copious as Christian is still picking at his food.

Our last Spanish session finished on a festive note. No work for us instead  it was time to give gifts to the workshop leaders, have a glass of cava (or orange juice) and tuck into sweet things. The chocolate/biscuit cake that I'd made went down an absolute storm. Just goes to show that good things don't have to be complicated ...... just loaded with calories!
Afterwards, Christian met me for a drink at the bar where we were joined by Jean-Jacques. Passing by the restaurant, Christian fancied having a bite to eat there which was a good sign even though he couldn't manage the 3 courses.
In the evening Margaret invited us, Judith and Trevor to her place for an apéritif as she's leaving tomorrow. Ben was in charge of serving up the canapés and keeping the glasses filled. Christian walked up slowly but surely so at least his legs are still working. Shoes are a problem though as his feet are still swollen.
29°, sunny

Went to the language exchange while Christian rested. André called to see him and he too thinks it's his heart and is most unhappy that things have been dragging on. Nany came bearing sympathy and a pot of jam. Anyway, when I came back from the language exchange which these days is held outside, the three of them were having a glass of rosé at the bar. Nany was looking none the worse from her accident yesterday. Jean-Jacques and Michel stopped on the way by and we then stayed on for an omlette.
Did nothing else for the rest of the day.
28°, sunny

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