Friday 13 June 2014

Farther Afield

Had a coffee in the bar before heading for the last Spanish session of the year. Next week there'll be no work, just a get-together with the other groups.
Our last visitors left and there's a pile of washing to look forward to!
Christian was too tired to attend the nursery school's end of year show so I put in an appearance in his stead. A load of incomprehensible 3-5 year olds on stage are not exactly rivetting when you're not related to them. I can only wonder at my sense of public duty as I lasted 2 hours. Made sure that I spoke to the Head Teacher; well, such sacrifice was not to go unnoticed!
This evening Christian managed his longest walk for a while down to the recreation ground for a "fideuà" cooked for the Association by José . It was excellent. There were about 70 of us all told, even one or two new faces. The walk back was going to be too much for Christian, so Carmen came to the rescue with a much appreciated lift.
33°, sunny 

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