Friday 6 June 2014

Laughter's the Best Medecine

With Mary heading back to England and Eamon and Liz off to Scotland on Saturday, we decided on one last get-together. I opted for the wee summer restaurant at the lake as I thought a coffee on the terrace enjoying the view would be just right. What's more, if we wanted to stay on for lunch we could do so. Shouldn't plan. When we arrived, a large sun shade was being installed so the terrace was out of action. Not that it mattered, it was cloudy and a bit chilly. Lunch was a "no, no" as well as Christian found it uninteresting. So, after chatting and laughing, Eamon very loudly I might add, we came back to the restaurant in the village. With the sun once more shining we were happy to sit out on the terrace and to continue laughing and chatting. All good for lifting Christian's spirits.
23°, overcast start, blue skies and sun later
Big "D" Day commemorations in Normandy 70 years on.
Andy Murray out of the French Open

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