Friday 27 June 2014

Action at Last

Rather than fill the gap between the last post and this one, I am thinking that it would be time better spent keeping you, our loyal readers, up-to-date with Christian's state of health.
Armed with the results of blood and urine tests, he saw the cardiologist at 1.30pm this afternoon. After a thorough examination and asking if Christian's breathing had been laboured for a long time (!!),  he sent us off to Casualty at the clinic where he's already had heart surgery. It was such a relief to finally have something being done as he really couldn't have gone on much longer as he was. Jean-Jacques drove us and during the time that Christian had all the necessary examinations done and diuretics delivered by drip, he went into Perpignan, bought a book and read it! Christian finally arrived in his (single, ensuite) room at about 8.30pm. I saw him settled and then Jean-Jacques and I went back to the village and straight to the Association's "soirée tapas". Grabbed a bite to eat and a glass of rosé then went home to bed.
27°, Sun

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