Thursday 5 June 2014

Follow the Hedgehogs

The skies were blue this morning which was just as well as Mary and I had planned to take the bus for 1€ (a great initiative from the Département) to go to Perpignan after a coffee in the bar before setting off. We wandered around the old town, looked at the cathederal, had coffee on the Place de la République and ate at "Chez les Copains", a small bistro on an old narrow street and my goodness, we were happy to sit down in the shade after quite a bit of walking. Excellent 3 course lunch for 12€ with good, pleasant service. The clientele was really mixed; some tourists and folk who either worked or lived locally; straights, gays, heavily tattooed people and ladies who lunch, like Mary and I!
Christian managed to follow the hedgehogs to the little square to join the neighbours and partake in the good things that were on the table. Sabrina from the restaurant had even made cakes that looked like hedgehogs!
24°, sun

Our summer neighbourhood get-together was scheduled for tonight and the theme was skewers and brochettes, either sweet or savoury. Hedgehogs marked the way to the square where it was to take place. I decided to do a skewers of cubes of lemon cake with cherries with a cherry coulis to dip them in. Best laid plans and all that ..... it rained in the afternoon and it was postponed. With an evening to fill, we invited Jean-Jacques to come and have a drink and a bite to eat.
24°, sun and rain

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