Saturday 7 June 2014

Happy Couple

Françoise very kindly offered to drive Mary to the airport so that Christian could rest and save his energy. Even with stopping for a coffee and croissant once we'd dropped her off, we were back before the end of the morning.
Then, there was nothing until 5pm when it was time to emerge from the house in our finery for Laurent and Samia's wedding at the Mairie. Samia looked super and Laurent in his uniform from his old Alpine regiment was unexpected. The "vin d'honneur" afterwards was al fresco under the shade of tall pine trees and lasted until after 9pm. There was music provided by the village banda which if you've read last Saturday's post, you'll know what it sounds like.

Eventually, we made a move down to the village hall for the meal to which Christian and I had been invited. The bride and groom arrived to fireworks! Samia is of Tunisian origian and her mother did a super couscous for over a hundred of us. There was dancing to keep everyone occupied until it was served at 11pm! I was amazed that Christian lasted as long as he did but just after midnight we said our goodbyes and headed home. Philippe and Paula were staying overnight but I've no idea what time they arrived. There were more fireworks (that we heard from the house) and apparently it all finished up around 5am  by which time we were away in the land of sweet dreams.
25°, sun and blue skies
A veteran resident in a care home in Uk, who didn't succeed in getting on a trip to the "D" day beaches, went AWOL and got himself there under his own steam. Arrived home today and of course was today's "feel good story".

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