Tuesday 3 June 2014

Day Trippers

Time to have a change and head for the coast with Françoise for a day out. It was a lovely sunny day and the sea at Collioure was a picture. We started the day with coffee overlooking the sea followed by a wander through the narrow streets of the old town, popping into any shops that took our fancy. Lunch was my treat so I got to chose where we went and instead of going for a restaurant overlooking the sea with the same ol', same ol' menus, I opted for 'Le Jardin de Collioure". http://www.lejardindecollioure.com/lerestaurant.html Christian and I had already eaten at their sister establishment in Banyuls and
found that it ticked our boxes, so I had high hopes of this one. We were not disappointed and it received the Françoise seal of approval, so I'd earnt my keep!
After a leisurely lunch, we got back in the car and drove up the narrow vertiginous road to the lighthouse at Cap Béar. Mary found it a bit scary but it was worth it for the views.
Arrived home in time for a cuppa and hear about Christian's lunch with Jean. Is there no end to this male bonding?
There was time to have a short rest before Mary and I went out to the restaurant for an apérobio with Anne and a friend who was staying with her but this evening we were relatively sedate.our visitors were obviously a good influence.
25°, sun and blue skies

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