Saturday 28 June 2014

A Rosy Glow

Took the bus, or rather two buses to the clinic and found Christian still hooked up to his drip. As it was exceptionally hot Martine insisted on coming in to pick me up even though I could have caught the bus home. That was kind especially as she has Claudette still with her and does loads of things that keep her busy.
This evening it was the restaurant's annual "soirée rosé" where I joined Martine, Claudette, Di, Robin, David, Laura, Lone and Jesper. Françoise and her brother, Jacques were there too and quite out of character Françoise stayed until midnight. Tapas, wine by the bottle and rock music provided by Michel and his group; the atmospere was great with lots of buzz and dancing in the square.
After a really hot day, the weather was perfect for delivering the association's newsletter which I had intended to do yesterday but of course, it wasn't a priority and I hadn't. Scooted around the village and arrived back in the square at about 12.30am to be invited by Lone and Jesper to have some more rosé. Finally made it home for 2am.
38°, Sun, blue skies
100 yers ago the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by Serbian rebels in Sarejevo thus lighting the fuse that led to the outbreak of the 1st World War a month later.

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