Sunday 8 November 2015

Food for all Tastes

Woke up to low lying cloud brought in by sea breezes which needless to say was a topic of conversation in the bar. Passed a pleasant couple of hours there with Nicole and Martine talking about a lot more than the weather. As I'd forgotten to take the duck breast I'd planned to have out of the freezer, it looked like boiled or scrambled eggs for Sunday lunch. By good fortune, I bumped into my neighbours who had a bag of ceps that they'd found in some secret place or another and I fell heir to two of them. So, mushroom omelette it was with rocket salad which was definitely more acceptable.
In between doing some computer stuff, I peeled and puréed a load of apples that Valérie and Christophe had brought from Normandy and filled the kitchen with lovely Christmssy smells as my cake slowly baked. A good job done and not before time either.
20°, cloudy

Off to the market on the bus to have an early morning get-together with Françoise to plan a couple of days away next week. We're using the Bed and Breakfast gift token that  Christian's children gave him for his 70th. Such a shame that he never benefitted from it but it wasn't to be. Expiry date is early next year so with lovely weather forecast we decided there was no reason to delay. Hortense joined us for a brief while to reassure herself that I was ok and then I came home with Hans and Marie-Madeleine.
Did some admin getting one of the two things sorted. 50% - not bad considering how things usually go here.
Next was an appearance at the Téléthon bingo where I didn't do an "eyes down" but instead sold cakes at the interval  to a veritable stampede of elbow wielding women.
The evening was a different affair however with dinner chez Chantal and Jean-Marie's in Argelès along with André, Nany and Jean-Jacques. There was a very different menu too. A bit of luxury with langoustines (all ready to eat) followed by veal kidneys in a red wine sauce. Devoured my starter but took it easy on the main course which wasn't exactly my thing. Cheese, two different kinds of dessert and champagne finished off the evening And there wasn't too much Mairie talk ......
18° sun with cloud later

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