Monday, 30 November 2015

Women who Lunch

Even though I was in bed for 11.30 last night, I read until my eyes drooped around 1.30; consequently, I was up late this morning. Dominique called with a painting an elderly Catalan retired school mistress had done for me. She'd remembered that I particularly like poppies and set out to paint a vase of them. Sadly, they didn't work out so she transformed them into "flowers". I was really touched by her kindness and as she said in her note, "real flowers wilt and die, at least these will be everlasting". Only problem is where to hang the painting.
Walked over to Maggie's for a salt-free lunch to accommodate Martine's diet. Started off with a couple of generous G and T's and lots of chat. Scuttled for home at 4pm as Rowena was due for a cuppa in-between appointments. She came bearing a couple of kilos of parsnips that needed dealt with tout de suite, a must read book and a battery powered rose that changes colour. Kitch but fun and cheery. It will be used!
Made soup from some of the parsnips and a huge stew with the rest. Late again to bed and read until the 9th "Skinner" crime novel was finished.
The photo is of the river on the way to Maggie's. I'll change it for one of the painting when I get round to it. Now there's something to look forward to. Never a dull moment, eh?

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