Friday 13 November 2015

"Quizzing while Paris Burned"

I've said I'd like to do some Tai Chi  and now a Qi Gong group has started in the village so no excuses. We were outside in the sunshine and despite my awful lack of co-ordination, I managed and enjoyed myself. Sure it will be good for me on several levels. Afterwards, Françoise joined me at the bar for a coffee
Friday 13th: a good omen to take part in a quiz? Indeed it was! Fortified by an apéritif here which included an opposing team we went forth to get the brain cells moving. Admittedly we did have an extra person  (Henri, Michelle, JJ, Martine and moi) but Martine couldn't play on her own now, could she? I'd like to think that it was our superior knowledge of the "Around the World "theme that led to our victory. 6€ from every meal went to the Téléthon, raising 102€. Much as Christian and I were big supporters of the restaurant, I'm beginning to feel they're starting to give less value for money. Maybe next year, I'll give the price of the meal directly.
But ..........
Friday 13th: a good omen for others? Hell, no, as I was to find out. While we were enjoying ourselves, Paris was under attack.

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