Friday 6 November 2015

Is it really November?

Early morning call to Mum to wish her a "Happy Birthday" then out quickly to meet Maggie to take the bus to Perpignan for some retail therapy. Did the 10 minute or so walk from the "Centre del Mon" into the centre stopping off en route for a coffee. Neither of us came away empty handed though I have to say that I still prefer Figueres. The morning disappeared quickly and managing not to find the restaurant I'd planned for us to go to, we fell across "Les Epicureans" where Jen and I had eaten in the summer.  My lasagne was tasty and Maggie couldn't finish her confit de canard. Service was cheerful and we thought 33€ for 2 of us for three courses and a half litre of rosé was "très correct" as the French would say. However, looking at Tripadvisor some clients thought otherwise, so they weren't.  It doesn't pretend to be haute cuisine so whatta they expect?  Maybe we're just more easily pleased finding it all very pleasant sitting in the warm sunshine watching the coming and goings of daily life on the edge of the St Jacques neighbourhood just off the tourist centre.
If you're wondering what on earth the photo is, it's one of the palm trees that line the road down from the station being cut down as a result of the damage done by a wee red insect that's invading the Département ..... but just look at that sky!
23°, Clear blue skies and warm sunshine

Coffee with Nicole, Nany and Annie and after a quick lunch at home, went down to Argelès with Netta. Strode out on a brisk 4 mile (Netta has a pedometer) walk along the prom and back chatting all the way. Also had a cuppa overlooking the port and chatted some more by which time the sun was disappearing and the cloud coming down.Spent the evening watching tv screen with one eye and the computer screen with the other.
20°, sun

Nono and Evelyn left for Narbonne after a coffee here as the bar is closed on Wednesdays. Didn't do anything much other than catching up with the blog.
20°, sun

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