Tuesday 3 November 2015

Wine, Women and Song

Managed to get the homework done though I might add Paul really does expect much more than debutant level from us. Still, I guess it keeps the brain ticking over.
Out of the blue Nono and Evelyn were in touch to say that their camping car was ready to make a detour to come and say "hello". They're the ideal guests as they come with their own bedroom! It wasn't possible to see that much of them as I had the first women's group meeting which went well. There were 15 of us and we agreed that we'd meet once a month but in-between times members would propose activities  via email to who ever was interested. In addition it's hoped to develop a self help network and information exchange. Christian (whose room we were in) was I'm sure, in his element being surrounded by all those women! Of course we ended with a glass of wine, water too,  and a few nibbles
Afterwards, some of us dropped into the bar which is right next door for the guitar evening. My 'guests' were there already enjoying the music having had a meal. Was home by midnight so it was straight to bed.

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