Tuesday 9 February 2016

A Wee Thank You

Should have made a trip to the recycling with Maggie but as our street is blocked off by the builders working opposite we couldn't load up. It was no bad thing as I had a number of things to do at home.
Had another soup lunch at the bar; this time with Ann, Dani and Lynn. However, food wasn't the main reason that we were there; we "presented" the chef with some malt whisky minatures, which he collects by way of a thank you for all the effort that he's made with our tapas. He was dead chuffed and for us it was a real pleasure to make someone's day. The soup was good too.
Spent the rest of the day doing some cleaning in preparation for tomorrow night's dinner guests. Had two thoughts - why hadn't I asked Thérèse to come today instead of tomorrow; followed by it wasn't that hard - do I really need her?
15°, sun, light rain later

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