Monday 8 February 2016

Clearing Out and Restocking

Ann, Annette and I made an early start for Perpignan for our mamograms and glad to say we all came away with a clean bill of health. Did a fair bit of shopping (pair of cords, 2 sweathers, 2 tops and a skirt) and had a very nice lunch at "VIP" which has good reviews on Tripadvisor.
 19° sunny

A damp start to the day so coffee by the fire in the bar with Nicole (S) was not a bad deal. Just had a starter there for lunch before coming back for a very domestic afternoon - tv, ironing, throwing out piles of paper. Boring as it all was, it feels good to be getting things in order. This decluttering business is starting to become addictive.

Went into the market with David and Laura but found it was too chilly to sit outside for coffee. In the afternoon, Maggie and I, thankfully with reinforcements, humped all the stuff back to our store room.
Called at the bar to catch the end of the Scotland v England rugby match which "Perfidious Albion" won. Joined, David, Laura, James and Martine for a bite to eat even though I wasn't particularly hungry. No invitation is spurned!
Sun and a cold wind

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